BachiBachBach (more known as just: Bachi) is a player that joined in early 2018. He is well known for leading the group known as The Infinity Incursion.
Notable Accomplishments[edit | edit source]
- Filling the 1025 spawn sky range with obsidian - Operation Very Secret[1] (Project Obsidian Sky)
- The Construction of the Spawn Trench Lava Curtain - Video by Fit:
- The Construction of the Infinity Incursion Symbol in late 2019, being (at the time) the largest spawn symbol.
- Assisting the bakery with chunk bans at spawn (specifically 0 0 and ziggy town)
- The original 1k x 1k nether lava wall and destruction of Nether Highways and Nether Ringroads
- Being the head of all major spawn projects since the start of Infinity Incursion
- Being the Owner of one of the biggest 2b2t community Discords (Infinity Incursion)
Timeline[edit | edit source]
2018 April - July
Joined because of AntVenoms: "The Face of Minecraft Anarchy..."
First months of 2b2t, sitting through insane lag and adventuring around in the spawn region, grinding enough supplies to leave spawn
Starting his first temp base: 32k island and his first main base: Redrock
2018 August - October
Joined his first group base called Wolfheim founded by 2015 chatfag CatholicKavanagh after getting his base "Saint Joseph City" griefed. The base involved 4 people: CatholicKavanagh, WaffelSS, Haoma and Bachi.
Joined Jareds 7th Incursion in Mid-October where he met people like iMems, Ethan and 4Pilot (first contact with the discord community)
2018 November - 2019 July
Joined BSB (The Backstreet Boys of 2b2t) as one of the first major members. Build at every major BSB base over the curse of 9 months.
This includes the following bases: Council Estate, Tescos (Bachi Tower), Morrisons, Alfheim, Recruit Base.
2019 July - early August
Became part of the leadership of the 8th Incursion by jared2013. Later on became the Leader of the 8th Incursion. Jared deleting the 8th Incursion Discord server marked the beginning of the Infinity Incursion.
He also left BSB in that time and leaked one of their bases (pride base) to Emperium - starting the still on going beef between him and iMems.
Started the construction of Bachi Castle.
Started the construction of his solo base Black Rock.
2019 10th of August - til now (last updated: 17th of July 2020)
Started the Infinity Incursion with the intention of preserving the tradition of incursion like events and having his own major group on 2b2t.
Build at the following ii bases: Spook Base 1-3, Buzzards Bay, Crackhouse, Titan
Finished the ii spawn symbol and the massive 1k spawn sky range obsidian roof.
2020 19th of May
Got invited by HermeticLock to the Guardsmen and became a Guardsman.
Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]
Bachi was part of 2 building teams in 2013-2015 that build for major german minecraft servers. He build survival game maps and server lobbies. Many people say that he is one of the builders on 2b and that he got his first recognition on the server for his buildings.
He is one of the very few established and "big" players that is yet still very tightly connected with the actual 2b community and not only with the established playerbase.
He is the only german person that is leading a major group on 2b2t right now.
There is a term called "the bachi magic" that refferes to him pulling off stuff that always seems impossible.
For some unknown reason he always had extensive contacts in the community reaching from oldfags to midfags to youtubers and all kind of people in the community.
He hates it when people call him "The King of Spawn".