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This page involves TheCampingRusher. Make sure to keep your wallets safe and brace yourself for a ""HEY WHAT'S UP GUYS, CAMPIN' RUSHER HERE, WELCOME BACK TO THE OLDEST SERVER IN MINECRAFT!!$!$!$$!!$!$!" |
"What's going on everybody, it's FitMC, and welcome back to the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft..." | |
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Approx. join date | Summer of 2013; during the Second Incursion |
Status | Active |
Identity | |
Known Alts | CasaMaestro, iBudder,[1], KECC, kpopbob, Mugman, Nes, tejerka, UIM_Fit, veteran16, 65 unnamed alts[2] |
Reddit Username(s) | SonofShoop |
Affiliations(s) | |
Current | the Guardsmen |
Past | Valkyria, the Spawn Masons, Team Veteran [3] |
Fit, also known by his YouTube username as FitMC, and previously known as silentpedro, is a well known midfag after joining in 2013 and becoming the leader of Team Veteran, a group that was founded to fight a staged war against YouTuber TheCampingRusher. He rose to fame for his involvement in Spawn Incursions, Valkyria, and especially his YouTube channel, as he is currently the largest 2b2t YouTuber at over 1.3 million subscribers as of September 2020.
Career[edit | edit source]
Pre-Rusher War[edit | edit source]
Fit joined 2b2t in the summer of 2013, during the second spawn incursion. He traveled thousands of blocks out "surviving on zombie flesh and spider eyes" before starting a farm. He made his first base in a winter biome near spawn. Somewhere down the line, he made another base that was griefed by popbob, who killed Fit during the grief. He was a loner for his first year of 2b2t until he was invited by James_Rustles in 2014 to join a base called the "Kool Kids Klub", where he helped build one of the largest gold farms on the server as an attempt to farm golden apples, which were considered to be very valuable at the time, until the base was discovered due to it being near the highways. Fit was also known for creating a Redstone contraption which allowed him to fly over spawn on February 21st, 2015. A video of this can be seen here.
Following this, he was approached by Sato, who invited him to Asgard II. After OreMonger was given coordinates to Asgard II by someone who had leaked the coordinates, the members of Asgard II griefed their own base to make sure no other player would have the satisfaction of destroying the base. When the coordinates were leaked and the third incursion began, Fit joined the team at Wrath Outpost and fought in the incursion. After its conclusion, Fit traveled by flying machine far out in the End. While doing so he stumbled on Space Valkyria. After this, he set up "the DFC", an outpost for travelers. He planned for it to allows travelers to dock/start their airships. He abandoned when he learned that Mojang planned to extend the End. Afterward, Fit moved to Aureus City, began farming gold, and began searching for ruins on 2b2t. He also griefed some spawnbases or whatever was associated with the Imps on January 3rd, 2016 alongside Babbaj and jared2013.
The Rusher War[edit | edit source]
See also: The Rusher War
When the Rusher Invasion began on June 1, 2016, Fit, in collaboration with Sato and Offtopia, created Team Veteran as a means to oppose the Rusher onslaught. It was a plan to both control a portion of the mass onslaught of new players but also lay a trap for an eventual betrayal by oldfags. However, this betrayal attempt did not go over as planned, as Fit was eventually shunned by many of his oldfag peers for "selling out" and collaborating with TheCampingRusher for the sake of perpetuating "YouTube Minecraft-roleplay drama".
During the course of the war, he began to rise to fame as he started to post several videos about 2b2t on his personal YouTube channel, either showing montages of him killing Rushers, advertising Team Veteran, or doing base tours and history videos. By the end of the war, his fame was becoming larger than expected and due to this rise in popularity, many Oldfags began to think that Fit was becoming somewhat soft towards his newfag subscribers, who the Oldfags intended to backstab once the war was over with. Because of his YouTube success, many people began labeling him a "jewtuber", partially due to the hoards of new players he brings to the server.
Post-war[edit | edit source]
Fit declared the Rusher War officially over on October 9, 2016, and put Team Veteran to rest.
On November 10, 2016, he went to The End to prepare for the 1.11 update on 2b2t, before the great rush for shulker boxes started. He eventually returned to the overworld on December 7, 2016, during the chaos of The Fifth Incursion.
He declared a short resurrection of Team Veteran as a reaction to a French Youtuber with 600,000 subscribers named AgentGB, who joined 2b2t and showcased the server on his channel. However, in response to the large amounts of hate that he was receiving, AgentGB mentioned that he did not intend to create a 2b2t series on his channel and so never created another video. After this, Fit went into a decline on 2b2t, after the Airship Record Stream and the Boat Record Stream. During this time, he quickly logged onto 2b2t and said: "If you disliked 2b2t in June 2016, you're going to dislike it even more in June 2017."
In January 2017, he returned to the server to kill some newfags at spawn and tour random monuments.
He also had a semi-positive reaction to AntVenom's idea of joining the server. He states that "AntVenom is more respectful of the server, unlike Rusher who came into 2b2t without notice".
On February 25, 2017, he started to construct a new, entirely underground base, without showing any bedrock, but two days later it was found by ChromeCrusher anyway. He attacked Fit while he was live-streaming, but he was unable to kill him. At that point the base was only a giant hole, so Fit didn't lose too much.
Later, on March 3, he tried to establish another, even safer base, this time in the sky, so no naturally generated terrain is shown. Eventually, he invited AlphaComputer and ChromeCrusher (probably so that he won't grief it again).
During March, he toured the freshly griefed Wintermelon, and made a clickbait video about the Apocalypse Exploit, declaring the "end of 2b2t".
On April 4, he started his journey to the World Border, through the +X nether highway. He arrived at Point Nemo on April 24, and several former diggers, including Byrnsy, gathered, to celebrate his arrival. Later, some people blamed him for generating too much attention around the place, which may have caused the new wave of griefing at Point Nemo.
On May 18, another controversy involving Fit broke out as he visited the diggers' secret base, Point Dory, without their permission. In the very same video, he announced that he'll go back to spawn, feeding the speculations and panic about June 1. Fit went on to join the Spawn Masons a day later.
After June 1, with Rusher not returning to 2b2t, Fit made a memorial video about the War, as many other people did at the time.
He is currently doing pretty much the same live streams and videos that he has been doing before June 1, like his Alpha gameplay series, his 1.12 series, 2b2t videos, etc. However, now he has currently attended Vidcon 2017 and made a video about it as a 150K subscriber special. He also met Rusher in real life during the trip, showing that things settled between the two. Fit claimed that Rusher was one of the parts that caused his YouTube success.
On October 26, 2019, Fit made a video asking for help with finding the Far Lands on 2b2t. This video was not taken seriously by the community, mainly because Fit offered $2,000 to the first person to find the Far Lands, and the person who found them would have to let Fit log into their account in order to prove they actually found the Far Lands.
In May 2020, Fit reached 1 million subscribers. His special can be found here. After Fit announced he was completely devoted to YouTube, and his 1 million subscribers milestone, it has prompted worry regarding queue times and player count. This milestone also played a part in the mass queue influx of 2020.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
- TheCampingRusher — TheCampingRusher was Fit's arch-enemy. Ever since the Rusher War began, Fit and Rusher had a tense rivalry. This rivalry would also go further out than 2b2t, an example of which is when Fit was streaming his Server Crash Series, and joins TheArchon as an attempt to ruin Rusher while he is recording a factions episode. This led to TheCampingRusher banning him on TheArchon. However, as of 2017, Fit claims that they are on good terms now. This was proven at Vidcon 2017 when Fit visited Rusher in real life. In later videos, Fit would claim to be good friends with Rusher and revealed that during the war, he and Rusher had worked together in order to promote 2b2t.
- Sato86 — Fit views Sato as a good friend and was the person who invited Fit to Asgard II. He was introduced to Fit by James_Rustles and fought with him during the Third Incursion. During the Rusher War, Fit trained under Sato to simulate 2b2t PvP situations in a private server.
- NedaT — Fit was originally hostile to NedaT, until they engaged in a duel, in which Fit won and subsequently gained respect for her. They also fought with each other in later battles near the end of the Rusher war.
- Offtopia — Fit and Offtopia have a complicated friend-enemy relationship. They were friends during the Third Incursion and the Rusher War until the Torogadude Incident and Rusher responded in a video. Rusher claimed that he and Fit had a partnership and Fit gave him the coordinates to the Crystal Islands, something Offtopia built. Offtopia felt betrayed and angered, he blocked FitMC from all social media and all ways of contacting him. Fit wanted to fix their relationship, especially since he said he never leaked the Crystal Islands to Rusher. Fit tried all ways, and eventually, he stumbled upon Offtopia's drain. He wanted to ask if he can tour the base, but since Offtopia blocked him, he was not able to. He toured the base and put a sign to patch things up between them. He later gave up on trying to resolve the conflict and ultimately became enemies with Offtopia. On February 4th, 2018 Fit and some others griefed a fake setup 'Viper Base'. The real Viper Base was not griefed until The Purge of 2019.
- ChromeCrusher — Chrome was the first one to find Fitlantis thanks to a new dupe exploit, and was able to destroy Fit's 2017 Underground Base while in construction. However, they seem to be good friends again, as Chrome later based with Fit in his skybase.
- 2F4U — Fit hates 2F4U, likely for the distribution of the Xdolf client which used a major competitor to the Future client which Fit uses and constantly advertises. Fit has claimed to have 2F4U's dox, but this claim is dubious.
- AlphaComputer — He is known to be friends with Fit. The two went back to spawn with 32ks when the Anti Cheat against it stopped working and slayed some newfags. Also, they together have been known to grief bases together. He is known to help Fit with many of his videos.
- xcc2 — Fit and xcc2 are acquaintances. This user occasionally helps Fit add further details into his videos on 2b2t's history prior to his arrival.
- Armorsmith — Fit hates Armorsmith, likely for their battle during the 6th Incursion, in which Fit logged to Armorsmith and lost.
Controversy[edit | edit source]
During the war, however, people began to conspire against Fit that he was in cahoots with Rusher. Evidence of this is the fact that Rusher proposed a deal to work with FitMC. This deal was that Fit would provide Rusher with coordinates to bases and that Rusher would promote his channel. Eventually, his youtube channel began to grow and he gained 77,000 subscribers at the end of the Rusher War. This lead to many people believing Fit to be a sellout. Offtopia believed that Fit gave Rusher the coordinates to the Crystal Islands but Fit denied this by stating that it was a random person who leaked the coordinates to Rusher by DMing him on twitter. The second conspiracy is that Fit is becoming a second Rusher as his fanbase continues to grow and brings more people to the server. This conspiracy made several oldfags turn against Team Veteran as he was becoming the exact thing that they were fighting against. When Fit returned to 2b2t in January 2017, he stated that most of these people are just remaining Rushers and people who hate him.
Fit has also been proven to team up with Hausemaster to remove lag machines. There were many instances where Fit was about to join and then the server either restarted or an existing lag disappeared.
Personal life[edit | edit source]
Fit was born in 1990. He was a science, social studies, and history teacher at an elementary school until May 2019.[4]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
- "Oh, look at that, your tie matches the lava"
- "Now go home, and be a family man"
- "Chad the water god died in water, PFFFT"
- "Battles, Builds, and Betrayals have all happened here"
- "Whenever Someone's Raging in chat, you just need to be polite"
- "If you don't use jukeboxes as furnace fuel, you're a FUCKIN CASUAL"
- "Wheres the exit again? Oh, there it is!"
- "Clown down."
- "Welcome to 2b2t, ThE oLdEsT aNaRcHy SeRvEr On mInEcRafT. Hack. Steal. Cheat. Lie. On the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. 2b2t. There are no rules."
- "Rip in peace... We will never 5-get you..."
- "I gotta log guys."
- ”Sir you just hit my vehicle!”
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Does Begging on 2b2t Actually Work?
- ↑
- ↑, Fit being initiated into the Guardsmen
- ↑ Fit's 1 Million Subscriber special