

thumb|left|80pxThis article lacks a lot of information that has been lost to time. If you know anything about the subject of the article that isn't here yet, please add it. Or not and go and erase all the damn text
Category:NoInfothumb|The symbol used by the LowlandThe Lowland was a very mysterious group in that they only existed on reddit, but when they left in early 2014, all of the posts were deleted. Now the only evidence left for them is in their symbol.

The Lowland started in 2013, with two players by the name of SpanishMoss and Cook1eCr33p3r. These two players had had encounters with pigs, and they wanted revenge. They started the Lowland just to kill pigs, and the lowland was a group that was made to systematically destroy all pigs within 10k of spawn. Originally, the group was going to expand to 20k, but something stopped them.

Because the group was very unorganized, some signs are found outside of 10k, or even 20k. The signs were used to comminicate that the area had been cleared of pigs to other Lowlanders. (that's why it says that death lives here)

However, if was a futile effort. If a player stayed in a de-pigged area long enough, a pig was sure to spawn, so pigs gradually started to appear within the 10k radius of spawn. After a year of genocide, the group dissapeared without a trace.

Or so we thought.

This symbol is a sign that things live on, even though the Lowlander group is dead and their posts are long gone, their symbol still remains as a memento to the old times of de-piggetry. Even though the group has been lost, and most of the evidence is gone, their legacy remains, and the pig population is just a little bit lower.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/2b2t/comments/7diikb/what_is_this_symbol/Category:GroupsCategory:Meme groupsCategory:Disbanded GroupsCategory:Disbanded

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