

An older isometric render of Spawn

True Spawn, more commonly known as Spawn, (short for Spawn point) is the area centered at X:0, Z:0 in the Overworld (commonly called 0,0) and colloquially refers to the area around it for several thousand blocks. From a technical standpoint, the server spawn point goes out for around 2,000 blocks, as this is where players spawn when joining the server. In the context of 2b2t and many anarchy servers, however, Spawn is defined as the heavily destroyed area around 0,0 rather than the spawn point of players. Due to this definition, few people agree on how far out Spawn is, and it generally has a very flexible definition. The word "Spawn" alone usually refers to Spawn in the Overworld, but it may also refer to the Nether Spawn depending on the context. The 0,0 area is also unofficially nicknamed the "Crossroads of 2b2t", due to its central location on the server and the place where all Axis (and Diagonal) Highways meet. Spawn continues to grow as the server ages, as there is more destruction with time.

Spawn is the starting point for new players and the place where players without beds respawn, making it the most populated place on 2b2t. It is arguably the most infamous part of the server.

1000×1000 Range of Spawn in 2018

History[edit | edit source]

Spawn was griefed during 2b2t's first couple of days according to accounts. 2010 4channer pYr01v1aniac claims that most of the damage at Spawn was caused by creeper explosions in "the first couple of days",[1] as well as lavacasts.[2]

So in the first couple of days, most of the damage done to Spawn was from creepers. There were a lot of mobs around at that point in time, and lots of nakeds, cause advertising on a 4chan board, you just get loads and loads of people visiting, especially /v/ at that time, which was, you know, the center of the Minecraft community along with a couple of small forums, but basically, you know, the game was very popular on that board and, as for the server, you just get 50—60 people joining at a time. Um so, [spawn became] pretty much wrecked straight away—uh, lavacasts, um, creeper holes everywhere.
- pYr01v1aniac[1]

pYr01v1aniac stated that players spawned in a radius of 50 or 100 blocks from 0,0, making 0,0 "very busy", with players chasing and punching each other.[3] Hausemaster eventually made a 16x16 obsidian platform at 0,0 to avoid creepers exploding large holes killing new players.[4]

Several walls have been made around Spawn, the most significant being the Great Obsidian Wall built during the Sixth Incursion in April and May 2018, and the Linked Horizon Wall which was built in 2021.

Withers have been used to grief spawn on a regular basis since 2013. Withers usually generate large holes and end up destroying the area just above bedrock. This is what has resulted in the wither cave below spawn.

Render of the Spawn region during June of 2019.

Spawn in the present is very, very chaotic. 0,0 has been covered in a water cube and an obsidian ceiling. In 2019, attempts by the Eighth incursion to expand the water cube to a 500 block radius of spawn failed, which left behind a level of water just above the bedrock level. There are huge obsidian symbols in the sky, including The Masonic Eclipse and the symbols of many groups, including Armorsmith's Followers (a hammer and sickle), Emperium (four large omega symbols), and the Infinity Incursion, some of which have been made hard to recognize. Many groups and players have also placed their banners around spawn, with the most common being PRThomas' banner. Many places, such as the Valley of Furnaces and 2k2k, have been lavacasted, or in some cases, ripped off the map entirely, leaving only floating cobblestone behind. A lava wall surrounding spawn 2000 blocks out that was built by the Purge (and repaired by the Infinity Incursion) makes it more difficult for new players to escape spawn.

In the past, FPS Lag Machines were a common threat to newer players, in addition to other chunkban exploits in which player(s) are kicked consistently from the server due to an error involving glitched chunks. These exploits became less common as time went on, although they still occur occasionally.

Most major changes to the spawn region in 2020 were done by the Infinity Incursion, with the group completing a 2050 x 2050 obsidian roof over the spawn region, building a 2k x 2k lava wall around spawn and a 1k x 1k watercube with the goals of making it harder for new players to escape the spawn region. All of Spawn's lavacasts in a 500 block radius were destroyed to make way for the water cube, resulting in the discovery of two illegally-placed bedrock blocks. Despite the purpose of the water cube, it made escaping spawn easier, as players spawned on top of or away from it. There have also always been various groups such as TeamNoTrees that have been at work destroying all dirt at spawn with all dirt in a 2000 block radius being bombed by the group. 2020 has had the most change to the spawn region compared to any other year.

Inner Spawn[edit | edit source]

Spawn was first generated in the early Beta versions of Minecraft as a forest and a desert with a couple of small lakes, a far cry from what is now. Spawn is usually described as a wasteland, or "cobblestone hell", because of its lavacasts resembling mountains of cobblestone. Spawn also has many abandoned houses littering the area, along with bridges, swastikas, ruined farms, and ruins. 0,0 tends to be the hardest part to traverse due to it having no continuous ground other than the obsidian roof, instead of being made up of patches of blocks, requiring players to jump or build across them to travel. The water cube makes it harder for newer players to travel, because of the risk of drowning.

Notable Spawn locations[edit | edit source]

The composition of spawn is constantly fluctuating due to the massive amounts of player activity there. However, there are several notable areas within the 2000×2000 area at spawn that either remain relatively consistent or were significant to the server's history. These include but are not limited to:

  • The lava walls: this giant wall of cobblestone (sometimes lava) was originally a plan to keep Rushers contained in spawn during The Rusher War. It surrounds the original 500×500 spawn radius. There is another lava wall around 1.5k of spawn made by Nordic93.
  • 2k2k: An old Facepunch base which is located x:-2000 z:-2000 hence the name. For years. what remained of the base was buried under a massive cobble monster. However, the lavacast was later destroyed, leaving only a massive crater.
  • Wrath Outpost: an outpost made when Valkyria called for the third spawn incursion after the destruction of Asgard II. It was later griefed and encased in a lavacast before being repaired and covered in a water cube by SpeedDemon0, then being removed entirely. "Wrath Copies" were constructed by various other groups over the years and some of them can still be seen around spawn.
  • x420 y69 z911: The Vortex Coalition official spawnbase, made of obsidian to defer griefers, and continuously destroyed and rebuilt.
  • Operation Poseidon's Water Cube: Operation Poseidon was an attempt made by Team Veteran to cause difficult travel through spawn for Rushers by flooding it with water. It failed when the water cube began to freeze over due to snow biomes surrounding spawn and several people using the frost walker enchant to freeze it as well. It is currently mostly destroyed.
  • 5th Incursion Obsidian Wall: A failed attempt by the 4th Reich to create jared2013's 5th Incursion Wall. It is highly recommended to stay away from this wall as it is populated by several withers. This wall is next to the border between Inner and Outer Spawn.
  • The Water Cube: The Water Cube is a large cube of water made by several people over the years that engulfs a large portion of spawn. Its original purpose was to make travel difficult for newfags but claims state that it, in fact does the opposite as newfags no longer have to travel rough terrain and can simply swim through spawn. There are many air pockets and the bottom is usually the cobble monster hell mentioned above. It was created using ice and airships to make the water sources spread. The condition of the Water Cube has fluctuated over time, with many players removing and repairing parts of the Cube.
  • NFE: Negative Fourhundred Eighthundred was originally a 'sanctuary' for newfags. It was maintained by xcc2 and x0xP for some time. It was also a Forward Operation base used by Valkyria during the Second Incursion and was used along with Wrath Outpost during the Third Incursion. Its name is the coordinates of the base. The base was destroyed and rebuilt numerous times, with it currently now just ruins.
  • Project Obsidian Sky: An obsidian roof above the 500×500 region of spawn that was built mainly by The Highland and later expanded by the Infinity Incursion. It makes this part of spawn much easier to travel over.
  • 6th Incursion Obsidian Wall: This is a wall that was built during the sixth incursion that is made entirely of obsidian that was generated from ender chests using slave labor. It is both a joke and a wall to attempt to keep the AntVenom fans trapped in spawn. It didn't work due to the large amount of people blowing holes through it with withers. Unlike the 5th, this one was completed, and stands much taller.
  • Linked Horizon Wall: A new circular obsidian wall around 2b2t's spawn. At 8.26 million obsidian, it is the third largest obsidian structure on 2b2t, after the highway system and the Masonic Eclipse. Over 100 players helped build the wall.
  • Wither Cave: Under Spawn is a cave where most of the underground is blown out completely, leaving only some water, lava and vines growing in here. The reason why other blocks (besides the bedrock floor) are not common here is because this is where most of Spawn's wither population lives. It is possible to get back up from here if you land somewhere without many withers and some water to swim back up to the surface.
  • Purgatory 3: After the grief of Purgatory 2, the Builders Haven members had a plan to meme some of the griefers by building a base at 0 0. The base lasted for a day and hardly is known about this temp base.
  • The Square Canal - This canal was built by the SCC (South Canal Corp) 1.2k blocks away from spawn. It surrounds the entirety of spawn and allows players to travel to the Southern Canal with relative ease.
  • 200 150: Probably one of the closest non-meme spawn bases ever made to 0,0, if not the closest. It was originally built by Armorsmith's Followers and griefed by the SpawnMasons, and since then was griefed and repaired by the group over the years.[5][6][7] this base lasted for over 4 months in the beginning of 2018. Eventually it was destroyed beyond repair after the construction of the Water Cube in 2020. When it existed, its lava cast was a well-known landmark of the chaotic 0,0 region.

Outer Spawn[edit | edit source]

2k2k lavacasted

Outer Spawn is a bit more flat than Inner Spawn, but is still littered with ruins and the occasional lavacast. While there are usually no animals in Outer Spawn, farms are a bit more common to come across. Outer spawn is home to many frozen oceans and deserts due to the biome settings being tampered with when weather was implemented into Minecraft. Outer Spawn is also home to many of 2b2t’s monuments such as:

  • Valley of Furnaces: A Valley surrounded by several lava pillars and cobble monsters with a large amount of furnaces in the center.
  • Basti's Canyon: A large canyon made by Team Veteran during a test run with Basti's bomber during the third and final attempt to make spawn more difficult for Rushers to traverse. The attempt was abandoned due to people being able to grief and bed/crystal the bombers.
  • The Great Spawn Trench - A large canyon which was built using TNT bombers in a 2000 blocks radius around spawn. It was constructed by the Seventh Incursion and serves as the foundation for the lava walls that were made in this area.
  • HermeticLock's World Famous Spawn Base: A spawn base built by HermeticLock that is currently a battleground and in ruins.
  • 40K–80K Ocean: In 2011, the terrain generation of Beta 1.8 caused endless ocean to generate after a few kilometers from the world spawn, in this period someone traveled the south axis, and by doing so created an ocean over 40k long. Similar oceans can be found on the other axes as well.
  • Old Spawn Road: A well-known pathway from 2013 which starts at x-3500 z300 and has many ruined bases and sanctuaries.
  • Spawn Sky Symbols: Symbols in the sky made of obsidian were built by various groups on the server. These builds are made at the height limit (Y:256), making it harder to grief them with withers, while also allowing them to appear prominently in spawn renders. The trend was started by Armorsmith in 2018, and groups like the SpawnMasons, Infinity Incursion, Emperium, Watchmen, and various others have contributed their own symbols. They are mostly located closer than 3k from spawn, though not too close as to become part of the obsidian roof. The largest one is The Masonic Eclipse.
    Small 4k Portion of Ocean
    Spawn Render 2019

Dangers[edit | edit source]

x0, z0 is considered to be the most dangerous place in spawn for many reasons. There are usually two reasons why: other players who will kill you on sight and the difficulty in traversing the terrain. Spawn has no animals for many thousands of blocks, and farms are usually destroyed within days of being made. On the bedrock floor there are areas where without blocks or teleporting are inescapable solo due to the /kill command being disabled, Recently, Hausemaster added the /kill command back and usually leads players to say "come save me (x,z)". Another danger is the "trapping" of Nether portals (The Nether article has more information on trapping Nether portals). This makes escaping spawn for new players extremely difficult (without hacks) and has become a sort of test to determine who can survive on 2b2t and who cannot.

However, escaping spawn becomes somewhat easy if a newfag can make use of hacks to get far enough to find food and is cautious on the highways without losing too much hunger.

Community projects[edit | edit source]

Watercubing[edit | edit source]

There have been several attempts at "water cubing" spawn to a certain degree with three overworld spawn cubes being mostly completed throughout 2b's history. The first notable water cube was 1000×1000 blocks started by flip35, sheergenius, Stlavs, StrongForce, and later aided by Negative_Entropy. The water cube also went up to the build limit (actually making it a cuboid). In April 2017, a movement started to destroy the first water cube known as "Make Spawn Dry Again", started by Joeilk, ImmortalYogurt, 1_7, and jared2013. After the first had been drained by the movement, a second 100×100 water cube was started by SkullerG, Gsmack, 4Pilot, MadKingLambo, jakeness56, zZT and later aided by Mc_ren, 0ffsets, Killinqq, and LordPopcwrn in July of 2018.[8] In July 2019, the Eighth Incursion started the construction of a new 1000×1000 block water cube made of source blocks at spawn, which was never finished and turned into the "water floor", a layer of water source blocks just above the bedrock level that prevented Crystal PvP. In September of 2020, the Infinity Incursion constructed a 1000×1000 block water cube which was supposedly made much more efficient and resistant to griefers and extends from bedrock to build limit.

Overvoid[edit | edit source]

This project was dedicated to destroying bedrock at 0,0 in the overworld. The first players who made a hole in it were rockeZZergon and cattyyyn, but after the Battle of Ziggy Town, Hausemaster patched headless pistons, making unable to break bedrock anymore, so project was discontinued. After Breakery leaked a new bedrock-breaking exploit using nether portals, some players (including rockeZZergon) continued the project. On August 9th, 2021, the project was finished, resulting in a 32x32 void chunk at 0,0.

Fixing Spawn[edit | edit source]

See also: Team Uberslugcake

The first known instance of a major group taking initiative to "fix" spawn was Team Uberslugcake. Team Uberslugcake began when UberSlugCake hand-picked newfags like him to form a group to fix spawn. The operation officially began on January 5th, 2014. Soon, the group unexpectedly expanded, and UberSlugCake dispatched members from their hub to create "UBER BASES TM" around spawn. Their efforts lasted for months, creating farms and destroying lavacasts. This lasted until April of 2016 when the 4th backdoor climaxed, and all of Team Uberslugcake's UBER BASES TM were compromised and the project was destroyed.

Nether Hub[edit | edit source]

Various highway groups have been maintaining the nether hub as far back as 2017 with SIG, IIS, and HWU. The Grand Lotus, Eldontyrell, Killet[9], 4yl, and many other Spawnfags[10] were known in the past for maintaining the nether hub. More recently, Brycedey has been maintaining the Nether Hub with the help of others.

Linked Horizon Wall[edit | edit source]

The Linked Horizon project was started by OMEGAO000 to build a circular wall with a radius of 2048 blocks around spawn. The wall was completed in 125 days, with over 100 players placing 8.26 million blocks of obsidian.

Project Bricked[edit | edit source]

Project Bricked was started by FuzzyRussian. The project was dedicated to filling Nether Spawn with obsidian and ender chests, trapping players, and causing FPS lag to those without the correct NoRender settings. It was conducted from January to March 2022 in response to Fortnite Ninja and then TommyInit joining 2b2t. This project was much more difficult to sabotage than its counterpart actively being contructed at the time; Linked Horizon Sky. Project Bricked served as a major distraction for the completion of Linked Horizon Sky. The project's Obsidian aftermath lead to the Wither Cap being increased for the first time since 2018.[11]

Linked Horizon Sky[edit | edit source]

The Linked Horizon Sky was created by the Linked Horizon Group as a roof over their previously constructed Linked Horizon Wall, being a circle with a radius of 2048 blocks. Linked Sky takes up over 13 million obsidian, and in combination with the Linked Horizon wall, brings the total volume of the Linked Horizon megastructure to one of the largest on the server.

Spawn Incursions[edit | edit source]

Spawn Incursions, or Spawn Occupations, are invasions of spawn, initially begun in 2013 by the group Valkyria. They involve a large concentration of players coming together for a purpose, usually for mass genocide to an influx of newer players and to create massive public works projects. Previously, Incursions were due to small player influxes, boredom, or to avenge fallen bases. Currently, they're due to the YouTubers' influxes, as when they make videos on 2b2t, they bring their fans with them. More recently, the Infinity Incursion initiative begun with the goal to stop all newfags, with players standing watch at spawn indefinitely.

Individual occupations[edit | edit source]

Many individuals stay stationed at spawn to massacre incoming new players. These are known as spawnfags. They usually stay around public highways and around spawn in the Overworld and Nether to add more challenges to newfags attempting to escape. They are also typically PvPers, and in addition to making it harder for new players to escape, they kill other spawnfags.

Future[edit | edit source]

The future of spawn is unknown. Spawn's future is dependent on the population of the server and the heat around it. Currently, spawn is facing huge amounts of destruction daily. Those who seldom visit spawn regularly, and return after a period of time absent, may find themselves looking at a nearly different area. It's expected that the x,0 z,0 coordinates and the area surrounding it will be a complete bedrock crater, and the area surrounding it will turn into this too. It's also likely that eventually the increasing prevalence of lava casts and blocking walls will stop newfags from leaving spawn, making Hausemaster possibly have to remove said structures for the health of the server. It may also be possible that the spawn radius is increased, leading to an increase in the region where spawn lies, causing destruction in border forests and relatively quiet places. Due to the new water mechanics in the 1.13 update, there have been plans to flood spawn using flying machines and turn it into a gigantic ocean. This would cause many new players to drown almost immediately upon joining the server, and could make it much harder to escape spawn.

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

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