

Home of the Avalonians
InhabitantsNoah3j, TimeRapier, Rex1258, Elijah204, Pat_The_Wizard, Arbiter2b2t (formerly: Arbiter2988), Marcus4761, BGP1, Potatodelta1, Xapamaa, Sky4, Zoom, Zedu, DrBeardStash, Ionar, SpeedDemon0. Guests: Joey_Coconut, Hoodlands, and Carlll_
StartedMarch 13th, 2020
GriefedAugust 12th, 2020
GriefersThatADHDkid_, Im_inferno, Gnq
World download
LinkNot Available

Avalonia was a large base started in March 2020 and griefed in August of 2020 by The Avalonian Republic.

History[edit | edit source]

The base was started soon after the founding of the Avalonian Republic by Noah3j, TimeRapier, and Rex1258. They had started on the server recently and met with members of The White Lotus Society: elijah204, Pat_The_Wizard, and Arbiter6652. They decided to merge groups, and right after took in the Monastery members marcus4761 and Xapamaa after their base had just been griefed. They abandoned the temporary base they had been building at, called Andromeda, and started searching for a new location for a bigger and grander base.

The base saw a large emphasis on pre-planning and having an organized structure and flow to the builds. A huge island was founded and rough plans were drawn up with a central placement and focus on a city being built with a canal running through it, splitting it in half. As members began to arrive, care was taken to flatten the entire area and burn all trees and building the roads first before the building to better plan out the city. Elijah204 organized every plot of land, assigning build heights to create a realistic skyline and what kind of purpose the buildings ought to server. The goal was to create a base that looked less like a mesh of different builds all together (a common theme of bases on 2b), and have more of a cohesive base.

Around this time, Arbiter approached marcus4761 and Xapamaa about joining the base after hearing about the griefing of The Monastery which they accepted. They went on at the base to make their own district, with a pyramid to build limit similar to what was made at the Monastery. the surrounding area was also entirely flattened and even had custom terrain around the rivers and shoreline thank to Xapamaa. The founder's temple was also build by him on a mountain near the main pyramid, which was dedicated to Noah, TimerRapier, and Rex1258. A second smaller pyramid was also built nearby after finishing the main pyramid by Marcus, as well as adding many obelisks for old friends of his.

Supplies were mostly brought by Noah3j and later member DrBeardStash through the current end portal donkey dupe, and later using an automated ice donkey dupe thanks to Ionar. Even more supplies would be brought later by Ionar supplying stolen and duped stashes that would be moved to the base regularly. This meant that the base had numerous different stashes at different sections of the city and more than enough supplies to build with when combined with the central storage hall.

Avalonia was leaked when Dectonic was given coords by leijurv due to Nocom. The base was griefed by ThatADHDkid_ and his friends Gnq and Im_inferno after Dectonic gave them the coordinates. As they were griefing it, many members of the Emperium goon squad had come to stop them and delay the grief so supplies could be moved away, with permission from Noah to lightly grief the base themselves once they had driven out the actual griefers. A brief battle took place here with around 15 players including base members. The griefers were driven back to the edges of the base to grief while Emperium celebrated by helping Avalonia lightly grief their own base and letting them move remaining supplies.

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