

“I'm going to survive, I'm going to establish, and we are going to take over, okay?„
JoinedMay 26th, 2019
Alternative AccountsUnknown
Past9 Gang, Fit

EtikaWNetwork, better known by his nickname Etika, was a YouTuber who joined and streamed 2b2t after learning about it on his YouTube-stream, attracting an influx of players, in which the queue was above the one thousands. He was the founder of 9 Gang.

He started the Etika Invasion, a series of events that erupted due to him joining.

Minecraft Streams[edit | edit source]

After stirring up controversy by getting banned on Twitch and arrested during a Instagram live, on May 25th, 2019 Etika unexpectedly decided to pick up Minecraft after last playing it in 2013.[1] Due to the massive amount of messages in his stream mentioning 2b2t, and Fit himself commenting on it, he decided to check out Fit's YouTube channel and learn about 2b2t.

More Information on the Specific Etika Invasion Page

9Gang[edit | edit source]

Following Etika joining in late May 2019, the 9 Gang soon cultivated. Although it was a weak movement, Etika's large following led to extremely high queue times (the highest in months) due to his popularity, and many of his followers began to spam 9 in chat. Hausemaster, the server owner, would send a rare server broadcast message in response to Etika's livestream.[2] The movement went to a complete halt following Etika's death and consequently hundreds of shrines popped up in a "memorial" for the lost YouTuber.

Death[edit | edit source]

On June 19th, 2019, Etika went missing after posting a video in the form of a suicide letter. He was later found dead on June 22nd in the East River, New York, after jumping off the Manhattan Bridge, and later identified on June 25th.[3] Multiple memorials and map arts have been built across the map, continuously coming and going.

Account Compromised[edit | edit source]

On December 17th, 2019, a submission was made to r/EtikaRedditNetwork saying that Etika's account was hacked. His Minecraft account is still active on 2b2t and has been spotted several times at spawn.[4]

His account is now owned by Vortex Coalition affiliated user named Flint.

References[edit | edit source]

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