Facepunch Republic
Existed |
Status | Active |
Famous Bases | Camp Facepunch, Facepunch Castle, Fort Creationism Corner, Fort Hardware and Software, Outpost Raptor I, II, III, and IV, Banana Republic, Drunken Embassy, Fort Lake, and several other bases, camps, and outposts. 2k2k was one of the last. |
Numbers | ~100-500 |
The Facepunch Republic, also known as the Facepunch Alliance, Congregation of Facepunch[1], or simply Facepunch, was a group of players that joined 2b2t in early 2011. Members of this group are known as Facepunchers. They consisted of users from the online forum facepunch.com (now shut down), giving them their name. These Facepunchers came to 2b2t to play and create cities where their forum members could build and bring order among the server's anarchy by creating a perfect civilization where people had jobs and such. Their leader was known as Chezhead, who lead the group until Phagocytic took over.
In November 2019, Chezhead returned to create a revival faction committed to secrecy, nonviolence, and good vibes.
Old Facepunch Republic[edit | edit source]
The Facepunch Republic began in 2011 with a thread titled Upon the Shoulders of Giants: An Adventure in 2b2t posted on the Facepunch Forums on April 27th, 2011.
Their initiative to bring order failed badly as their actions were seen as an insult to the whole server, beginning a hunt for Facepunchers on the server. This led to a server-wide conflict known as the The Facepunch War which lead to the group's inevitable demise. After Chezhead left 2b2t and gave up hope, the remaining Facepunchers failed to keep the group together and eventually disbanded in February of 2012. Their forum was still essential to 2b2t as a media and a sort of memory book of the server.
One of Facepunch's main and most notable spawn bases was 2k2k located at approximately X: -2000 Z: -2000. Built by Facepunchers and lead by Phagocytic, who took control after Chezhead’s departure and initial disband of the Republic, this was their last-ditch effort to fend off against the attacking 4chan Anarchists. Since their base was close to spawn, it was griefed multiple times, although this didn't stop the Facepunchers from repairing it for over a month. Eventually, the group began to decline once again as more and more Facepunchers gave up on repairing 2k2k. They either went to live somewhere else or left the server.
The Facepunch Republic collapsed in June of 2012. 2k2k is currently a giant lava cast with some of its former structure still buried under its stony grave. The last Facepunch thread was closed on June 7th, 2015.
Despite the Republic being disbanded and several Facepunchers leaving after 2k2k, there were still some who remained. These Facepunchers either fused into new groups, went solo, or never advertised their Facepunch origin and secretly made new bases. The most notable group of Facepunchers still remaining after the Republic's fall was the group started by Coldwave, in which he hoped to create a new republic. He founded Hitlerwood which later fused with Anatolia (aka the Black Flag Group) to create Valkyria. Essentially, Valkyria was the Facepunch Republic 2.0 due to their Facepunch ancestry. Knightvista created the last Facepunch base, Fort Avril, which was griefed.
New Facepunch Republic[edit | edit source]
Despite a failure to achieve peace and stability in 2012 and the Facepunch forums shutting down, in November 2019, Chezhead returned to the server to revive the group and establish some outposts.
After the griefing of many bases such as Bunker Badass and the S.B.A (Spawn Base Alpha), the group received a decline throughout much of early 2020. This, combined with the group's eventual purge of 50% of the player base due to inactivity, wasn't working well. Following a mass rebound and influx in May of 2020, the group was back on its feet and opened many new bases. Its future can be considered to be in the light as it treks upon the shoulders of giants.
The rules that govern the new Republic are:
- Protect Coords
- Practice Nonviolence
- Maintain Security
- Invite Friends
- Respect Hierarchy
- Civil Chat
- Good Vibes
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Facepunchers (not counting New Facepunchers) still roam the server today such as popbob, lemler33, xcc2, and a few others.
- The term Facepuncher is similar to Rusher as it is used in the exact same way. It was used to generalize a group of players and not necessarily mean they were part of the Republic (while most were), but just to refer to them that they came from Facepunch
- The Republic named their bases federation shelters, outposts, camps, forts, and towns.
- The group had a system of social classes, which included (but not limited to) the president, advisors, mayors, and citizens. Chezhead was the president of the Republic, which essentially meant he was the leader and had full power over it. He made the ultimate decisions. Advisors were put in place to keep bases in check and were required to arrange meetings with all advisors online in order to agree with large decisions, with Chezhead having the final say. Mayors ran towns and shelters and kept the citizens of the town in line. The citizens were basic builders and common players.
- The group undoubtedly left a legacy that is still seen today. Their failed attempts to create a sort of peace and order in anarchy changed the way players played 2b2t for years to come through creating base groups and just groups in general, seeking a system and a sort of order, good or bad, despite the ruthlessness and lawlessness of anarchy.
- The original Facepunchers were the first noted group to have access to the pistion duplication glitch, which was the first-ever noted duplication glitch in server history. It shaped them to be even more of a powerhouse and, despite losing, one of their advantages in the Facepunch War.A group of Facepunchers using the Piston Dupe.
FP Base list[edit | edit source]
Old Republic[edit | edit source]
This list may be incomplete. You can help by expanding it.
- Camp Facepunch
- Wool Caves, Face Punch streaming base. Alpha blocks found here
- Jasun and popbob's outpost (old mob grinder) (Partly griefed)
- Zion 5285 10222. July 2011-August 2012 (after getting grieffed Phagocytic decided to move the base at 2k2k)
- 2k2k x-2000 z-2000. July 2012-2013 (the oldest and longest ran base by the FP)
- Outpost Raptor II (all of the raptor bases were made by assassinraptor and popbob)
- Outpost raptor III
- Outpost Raptor IV
- Food Island (restored and griefed)
- Fort Lake a FP base from early 2011. (Hidden in the giant lake)
- Fort Kick-Ass a 4-Chan from early 2011. (Mentioned thousands of times in the FP forums.)
- Fort Creationism Corner a FP base from early 2011.
- Fort Something a FP base from early 2011.
- putzburg a FP base from early 2011.
- Aria
- Fort FP NFFS (Fort Facepunch Not Far From Spawn)
- Sky City
- Fort Bacons&Eggs
- Facepunch base 7
- Facepunch base 5
- Fort DuckFace central
- Camp GD (General Discussion)
- StarToad
- C-NGF (Camp Not Giving a Fuck)
- Drunken Miner embassy
- Fort Eden
- Coolity Fort 1.0
- Candy Mountain
- Fort two Seasons
- Phagicytic's island
New Republic[edit | edit source]
- 8k8k
- Bravo Base
- Bunker Badass
- Bunker Badass II
- Camp Oakwood
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Checkpoint Charlie v2
- Corinth
- Fort Hardware & Software 6.0
- Kickass Cove
- OMEGA Base v1, v2, and v3
- Salvation Outpost
- SnowCliff Keep
- Steel Outpost
- Spawn Base Alpha (SBA)
Old Facepunch Republic Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- Chezhead (Leader)
- Askaris
- ArsonBoy5996
- Asrue2
- Bisousbisous
- BlueAVS
- Bob4life10
- Cameron_Stroub
- Cellular
- ChrisDom
- Coldwave
- popbob (Until his rampage)
- passie05
- policemike55
- polly_the_parrot
- xcc2 (Despite coming to 2b from 4chan) (Active to this day)
- chase101
- assassin_raptor
- The7DeadlySyns
- Shnitzelkiller
- repins1acitcat
- moshspegetti
- TentricCon
- BreakfastBuddy
- Isak
- Phagocytic (Took leadership after Chezhead's departure)
- Tark
- stewe231
- Dachande
- Mexican (Yes, ure not dreamin)
- Computrix
- Coolguy13511
- Coolity
- Crommissar
- DeandreT
- Devonwargod
- Fizzlecleave
- Frustum
- GiggleBlizzard
- Hellborg
- Hinderjd
- Horsedrowner
- IcyTruth
- Joshirw54
- Jackald
- KarvaBopi
- Leleko_765
- Livelion
- TylerCB
- LucanC
- Mariodude146
- Mattiman35
- Mattyyy
- MrFoxer
- Neos300
- Ninjarooster
- Prezshadow
- PrinnyGenocide
- Rabbittt
- RagamuffinJoe
- Rauthr
- Ricaaado
- Robotito
- RobotBanana
- Ryfry
- Slag
- Soccerskyman
- Startoad
- TayG0
- Teacakes
- Velguador
- Zeos
- ZombieDawgs
- PootisSpencer
- uitham
- Harblax (until his betrayal)
- Pimpmastaflex (until his betrayal)
- CreamOfTheSlop (until his "betrayal")
- Drasnus
- Brickable (final noted member)
Several others
Archived Facepunch Threads/External Links[edit | edit source]
Although the Facepunch forums are down, several 2b2t-related threads have been archived on the Wayback Machine. The following is a list of archived threads.
- Upon the Shoulders of Giants: An Adventure in 2b2t - April 27, 2011 - Chezhead
- 2b2t V2: there is no FP republic - July 7, 2011 - Within
- 2b2t v3: Nope, still no republic - February 1, 2012 - Iliekboxes
- 2b2t: Revival. - April 1, 2012 - phagocitic
- 2b2t: is this shit dead yet - February 27, 2013 - TCB
- 2b2t : A nearly-dead odyssey - August 15, 2014 - DinoSaurus
- 2b2t: A Decent into Dead - January 12, 2015 - DinoSaurus