Small Groups
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"Hausemaster, want to build a base together? Hausemaster. Hause, Hause... Hause..." |
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This page is dedicated to groups that existed on 2b2t but have not gained a lot of acknowledgement, disbanded very early, interacted with other groups, and/or did not do something of little significance to the server. Most of these groups are from the Rusher Period and after. In order for these groups to be removed and gain their own page, they must create something large, gain lots of recognition by a medium sized population of 2b2t, or at least 30 members (post Febuary 2018).
UPDATE (June 2018): A new rule has been implemented, all groups to be declared as a small group must have a minimum of 5 members in their group at the time of being added. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any less wouldn't be considered a group. This is to filter out cringy fagtions that are run by 9 year olds or retards that have no idea what they are doing.
UPDATE (June 16th, 2018): The first rule can be a bit flexible depending on circumstances. If a group is like ~25 and has an actual activity and history, it will get it's own page. Also, if an oldfag group that was predominant but had few members due to varying populations of the server, they will get their own page. ALL FAKE GROUPS WILL BE PURGED, DON'T MAKE SHIT UP. Also, (NOT NECESSARY) to further validate the existence of your group, a permanent discord link would be appreciated to help us prevent fake groups from plaguing the wiki.
UPDATE (June 17th, 2018): This is to emphasize on the fact that groups that have done major actions, builds, and contributions to the server will receive their own page,
- 1 Note
- 2 Zisteau
- 3 Skybound
- 4 Los Tritones
- 5 The Galactic Empire
- 6 Rising Sun
- 7 Trojan
- 8 Unidad 2
- 9 Exodus
- 10 Templars
- 11 Holy League
- 12 Visionary
- 13 Team Nethertea
- 14 The 5th Reich
- 15 Azeria
- 16 The Church of Cthulu
- 17 Team Inferno
- 18 The Brotherhood of Iron
- 19 Map Art Mesa
- 20 Team TopKek
- 21 Team Malaria
- 22 Imperia
- 23 Yamerockers
- 24 Vendetta
- 25 V Fawkes
- 26 Imperialists V.2
- 27 Order of Lucifer
- 28 Prussian Empire
- 29 Occalan Empire
- 30 Prelude
- 31 Team Equinox
- 32 The Turtles
- 33 Team Eternity
- 34 2K2R
- 35 Exodus
- 36 Team ElRichMC
- 37 Prelives' Followers
- 38 PopBob's Nukes
- 40 The Red Kingdom
- 41 Team V Fawkes
- 42 The Knights of Millstone
- 43 Volk'Krov
- 44 Main Goal
- 45 History
- 46 The Holy League
- 47 History
- 48 Relations
- 49 Notable Members
- 50 The Knights of Spawn
- 51 The Gulag Builders Comittee
- 52 Ranks
- 53 Relations
- 54 The Fursecutioners
- 55 The Excursion
- 56 The Vikings (The Dutch)
- 57 History
- 58 Relations
- 59 Source
- 60 Team Sun
- 61 Team Malaria
- 62 History
- 63 Trivia
- 64 Relations
- 65 Notable Members
- 66 Team Godmode
- 67 Joining
- 68 Exploit Leaked
- 69 The Client
- 70 Members
- 71 The Pylandia
- 72 History
- 73 Relations
- 74 Notable Members
- 75 Sources
- 76 Paranormal
- 77 Relations
- 78 Notable Members
- 79 The Opposition
- 80 History
- 81 External Links
- 82 References
- 83 Kingsman
- 84 Divisions
- 85 Influential Kingsmen
Note[edit | edit source]
A lot of this stuff may be incorrect and most of these are written based off of a few Reddit posts and asking around as these groups are hard to access information on. the propaganda spammed by their members. Feel free to edit any posts that seem incorrect because you may know better than we do. Also, make sure to make the groups in order of their founding. The groups closer to the top of the page are recent groups, while the ones closer to the bottom are older ones (for the most part). Please note that 60% of these are autistic and fagtions.
Zisteau[edit | edit source]
Active: Early February 2020-Present
Number of members: ~18
Bases: Zisteau I, Zlossea, Point Donkey, Point Tortoise
Founded: February 2, 2020
Notable Members: Prankware, TheRedFenix, Rex1258,PitBoss21, Noah3j
- Avalonian Republic/ The White Lotus Society-Allies
- Team Trees-Allies
- The Viper Clan-Allies
- Literally everyone else: Neutral
Zisteau tries to remain as neutral as possible, however, that is not always the easiest thing to do.
Early Days[edit | edit source]
The early days of Zisteau consisted of February 2020-Early March 2020. Prankware intended to use an old spawnbase from November of 2019, and originally planned to call the base "Padotown". However, that plan was quickly abandoned because the spawnbase was, well, a spawnbase. To add on to that, the spawnbase was extremely close to the +X highway. Prankware made a discord for what was at that time still a group with ~3-5 members. He traveled out to ~300k overworld to build what was going to be Zisteau 1. Zisteau 1 started out with big intentions, and as the group slowly grew in numbers, those plans got bigger and bigger. After hearing about the newer Donkey Dupe, Prankware started heading to spawn and making outposts along the way, one of which he called "Point Donkey", as it was his only source of donkeys at the time. This was useful, as the dupe active at the time was a variation of the many donkey dupes. Prankware then made a base with a skeleton grinder to use as a Team Trees spawnbase. However, Prankware's interest with 2b2t started to dwindle. The session ID exploit was also in use at this time, which didn't help. Meanwhile, karpo, one of the members of the group, was still traveling to Zisteau 1, and TheRedFenix and PitBoss21 continued work on Zisteau 1. Prankware then announced that he would abandon Zisteau 1 due to it being too close to spawn. He traveled out via nether to around 600k overworld, but he got distracted IRL and got disconnected. When he logged back in, he was dead. This annoyed him extensively, as he had dropped many of his valuables and he didn't have much resources left. This was when he got notified by Noah3j that he was going to dupe some stuff for Prankware to get going again. So, Prankware headed to the coordinates Noah gave him, (which were near spawn)with barely anything.
Zisteau 1[edit | edit source]
Zisteau 1 was active for a short period of time until Prankware officially decided that Zisteau 1 was too close to spawn to be safe. This was supported by the fact that Zisteau 1 had an open nether portal and was roughly only 8k blocks away from a nether highway. There was never anything huge or outstanding at Zisteau 1, except for the housing, specifically TheRedFenix's House and Prankware's unfinished house. The base had a large amount of planning put into it, and a fair few of those plans are being implemented into Zlossea, the group's next planned base. Some of those plans include :
- Banner Museum
- A spleef arena
- Aqueducts
- Horse Roads
- A large storage facility made mostly out of quartz
- A large gold farm
Donkey Duping Hype[edit | edit source]
When Prankware arrived at the coordinates Noah gave him, he met F-00, and 7 others. They were a group of people who just wanted to dupe their items without being autistic or dumbasses. Prankware hastily slapped together a kit comprised of random kits he had seen around the end portal, and duped the supplies he had left. However, nothing good lasts on 2b2t, and a 12 year old kid named CarlosOX came and griefed the duping outpost. However, the kits survived and Prankware made a new duping base. He got donkeys from Rex1258 who was also duping at the time. He duped Zisteau and Team Trees supplies, and he had PitBoss21 and FonicsMC help him out with duping. One night straight after Prankware retrieved his second donkey for his new dupe base,(Point Tortoise) he stumbled upon a small stash owned by bebeli555. While Prankware already had a good amount of items to dupe, he now had even more to dupe. He didn't have enough inventory space to store all the loot from the stash, so he told PitBoss21 to retrieve what was left. The next day, Prankware re-branded and enhanced the kits he stole and prepared them for duping. This made Zisteau significantly more wealthy, and now they wouldn't have to stretch their resources nearly as much anymore, which was a concern that he had during the Zisteau 1 days.
The RustCat Situation[edit | edit source]
The RustCat situation is a fairly small event that happened very early in Zisteau's Life span. After RustCat posted a shitty image of an omegle chat involving RustCat insulting a stranger for playing Fortnite, calling the stranger multiple racial slurs in the Team Trees Discord, Rex1258 promptly deleted it and stated that he wouldn't tolerate that sort of shitposting in the Discord. Prankware added onto that, stating "We should create a shitpost/memes channel tbh", to which Rex responded with "Honestly I won't even do that because I want this server to be as non-toxic as possible.", and Prankware agreed. Shortly after. RustCat cut all ties with Prankware, Zisteau, and Team Trees. The reason why this is mentioned is because RustCat is one of the Founders of Zisteau, but has been wiped off every message board that highlighted RustCat due to said incident.
Growth and Traveling[edit | edit source]
Around the time of the Donkey Duping Hype, PitBoss21 was making an effort to bring his friends who played Minecraft to 2b2t. He later planned to invite the friends that come to 2b2t to Zisteau. Also, post duping hype Prankware stayed at spawn for a few days and recruited the new players he came across.
Avalonian Relations[edit | edit source]
From the very start of Zisteau's existence, it has been allied with the Avalonian Republic. This is mostly because of Noah3j, the founder of the Avalonian Republic, being good friends with Prankware. The Avalonian Republic provided Prankware with ample resources during the Donkey Duping Hype. Rex1258, an important member of the Avalonian Republic, was also Vice President in Zisteau until TheRedFenix took his role. Prankware regularly talks in the Avalonian Discord with other members such as elijah204, _abattoir_, and several others.
Zlossea[edit | edit source]
Zlossea is Zisteau's Second Base. As of 3/19/2020, Zlossea hasn't been established, but there has been a large amount of planning dedicated to it, far surpassing what Prankware wanted to do with Zisteau 1. Prankware plans to make it the group's main HQ and the group's prized possession. Prankware is taking extensive measures to prevent Zlossea from being found.
Districts[edit | edit source]
Zlossea will be made up of 8 districts:
- Azure County
- East Zlossea
- West Zlossea
- Vinusp Gardens
- Housing District
- Federal District
- Zainolt County
- Terling County
Azure County[edit | edit source]
Azure County is the first thing people see when entering through Zlossea’s South Gate. It contains most of our infrastructure-based buildings (eg. Horse Road Hub, Aqueduct Terminal, Haven Station). It's the main hub of all things transportation-related.
East Zlossea[edit | edit source]
East Zlossea is the Governing District of the Eastern Portion of Zlossea. That means that this district manages all building projects going on in the Eastern Districts of Zlossea. (Housing District, Zainolt County, and Azure County.) East Zlossea is a district with federal-style architecture. Manager: TheRedFenix
West Zlossea[edit | edit source]
Basically East Zlossea but West. Districts in West Zlossea’s control: (Terling County, Vinusp Gardens, Federal District) Manager: Prankware
Vinusp Gardens[edit | edit source]
The Vinusp Gardens are where all of the farms, animals, and any other redstone farms are located. There aren’t any buildings that aren’t agriculture or redstone related. The official Zlossea Building of Agriculture (ZBA) is there.
Housing District[edit | edit source]
The Housing District is where all the member’s houses are located. There are a few other, solely decorative buildings sprinkled in as well. The Housing District is in the East Side.
Federal District[edit | edit source]
The Federal District is where all of Zlossea’s Government related buildings are. There are almost no buildings that don’t have purpose. The Zisteau Banner Museum is also in the Federal District. Also, every embassy for every group related to Zisteau is there.
Zainolt County[edit | edit source]
Zainolt County is where Zlossea's City Hall is. The Zainolt county is almost an extension of the Federal District. It is the best representation of the city's Greek/Roman architecture style, with many Colonnades to be seen. It is also where Prankware's Art Museum is.
Terling County[edit | edit source]
Terling County is unique in that it doesn't have the same Greek architecture as the other districts, but rather a medieval style. It has a recreation of Fort Kek, a small fort Prankware made in his own vanilla server. It also has statues of several different mobs, such as dogs, a pig, and a zombie. Prankware made a memorial to commemorate his lost pig that helped him travel via Entity Speed. The only name given to the pig was "Nether Oink." Prankware also made 3 dog statues, one to pay tribute to a dog he lost, he assumes it was because he changed from overworld to nether without the dog following him. The other is to remember a dog he found in the middle of a desert close to spawn, owned by SkippyJJ, who Prankware assumes quit 2b2t. Skippy, If you're reading this, get your fuckin dog. The last dog statue was made to remember RustCat's lost dog, "Penis Dog."
Skybound[edit | edit source]
Years Active: 2017-2019 (original group)
Number of members when disbanded: 1 (record high: 4)
Former Bases: Arctic City, Avon City, Apollo City, an unnamed base, Patoha, and Amador.
Former Affiliations: Neutral (supportive of Youtuber related Incursions)
Skybound was a group that was founded in September 2017 by player Mancan76.
Skybound was a very small group, and at it’s peak, only hit 4 members.
History of Skybound[edit | edit source]
Early Days[edit | edit source]
Skybound was founded on the principle that Minecraft was better with friends. The group wasn’t really a group at this point though. It had one member, who lived at the Original Skybound HQ, then known as Arctic City. Arctic City was a small base, and was relatively close to spawn. It was meant as a landmark for travellers on the -X highway, only being a mere 100 blocks away from the highway, if you used a nether portal. In February of 2018, Mancan decided to pack up and move away.
Age of Growth[edit | edit source]
In early 2018, the founder of Skybound, Mancan76, started a new spawn base. It was farther away from spawn than Arctic City was, and was farther from a highway as well. This base was named Avon City. During this time, two players, joined the group. One of them was named StudmanGaming, while the other’s name was Squaresyrup. During the time that this base was active, the Sixth Incursion (Incursion VI) began. The three players that based at Avon City decided to participate in the Incursion. Upon the end of the Incursion, these three players spread apart. However, Skybound wasn’t over just yet. Another base was formed, this time tens of thousands of blocks from spawn. It was titled Apollo City. Soon after the founding of this base, the other players met here and based here. Another player joined the Skybound Group, though only very briefly. This player’s name was actually forgotten, however, we believe his name was “lionmaker23”, so that’s what he’ll be referred to here. This city was fairly large for only 4 players, however, it was mostly abandoned by the time that the Incursion VII (7) arrived.
Age of Stagnation[edit | edit source]
After the end of Incursion 7, Mancan76 decided not to return to Apollo City and to instead venture farther into the lands of 2b2t, on a different axis then the one he previously traveled on. A small rendezvous base was built about 60k from spawn, however, it was never named, and the coordinates have been lost. Another rendezvous base was built around the 95k mark, named Patoha. It is currently uninhabited. Finally, in November 2018, a new settlement was created, simply titled “Amador”. This base remained the current HQ for Skybound, until February 2, 2019.
Faded[edit | edit source]
On February 4, 2018, StudmanGaming left 2b2t, leaving Mancan76 as the only member in the Skybound Group. Because there were no members left, and no real base to return to after Amador’s discovery, Skybound was disbanded. The decision to disband was made on February 6, 2019, at 4:32pm CST. The group is not completely gone, however. If the opportunity ever arises, the group will be brought back from it’s hibernation.
Bases[edit | edit source]
This section details the five main bases that Skybound has built.
Arctic City[edit | edit source]
This was the first base constructed by Skybound, and was founded by Mancan76. Being less than 20,000 blocks away from spawn, it was quickly discovered, however it was not griefed. This city became a temporary safe-haven for newfags, even though that was not it’s original purpose. However, because of it’s discovery, it was left in early 2018.
Avon City[edit | edit source]

Avon City was founded on April 5, 2018 by Mancan76. It was home to only him at first, however, over the next month, Squaresyrup, StudmanGaming, and lionmaker23 would find homes here. Once the Incursion VI began, this base quickly became valuable to a number of players because of it’s proximity to spawn. It was nowhere near as close as Arctic City was, however, it was close enough that one could make the journey from 0, 0 to the base in less than 2 hours. (This was only if you used a hacked client with some sort of auto-sprint or auto-walk.) While the base itself is really nothing special, what was special was what lied under it. There was an insane amount of dungeons under this base, and what was interesting was that none of them had been looted upon arrival to the land. As of June 1, 2018, 12 dungeons had been discovered directly under the base, with another 5 in the immediate wilderness around the base. These dungeons allowed for the quick creation of mob farms, turning Avon City into a decent place to stop, and farm for exp. Many Protection IV armor sets were made here. One thing to note is that all of these farms were underground, and were only active for a short while. In mid-June, Avon City was completely abandoned. According to the last known status of the base, it is still standing.
UPDATE: Sometime between October 2018 and February 2, 2019, Avon City’s map was overwritten with an Imperium mapart. After more investigation, the city was discovered undamaged, and still intact.
Apollo City[edit | edit source]
Apollo City was the next settlement founded by the Skybound group, on April 24, 2018. This time, the city was founded by Squaresyrup. After Incursion VI, the Skybound Group relocated here, now consisting of 3 members, after lionmaker23 left the group. Apollo City was very similar to Avon City, in terms of architecture and location. This settlement remained Skybound’s primary base and “capital city” until Squaresyrup, now known as “AutoClickher” chose to leave the Skybound group. After Incursion VII, this base was completely abandoned. As far as is known, this base is still standing.
Patoha[edit | edit source]
Patoha was an extremely small outpost about 60k from spawn. As of January 12, 2019 it is still standing.
Amador[edit | edit source]
Amador was meant to be the next major Skybound settlement, however with the group having fallen apart and Studman wanting to explore, it never became what it was meant to be. Amador was founded during the Incursion VII by Mancan76, on September 29, 2018. Amador was much smaller than Avon or Apollo, and only had two buildings: a city hall, and Mancan’s house. Much of what was done here was just resource collecting, as the area was rich in resources. Sometime between January 15 and February 2, 2019, this base was discovered. It was not destroyed, and as far as we know, it is still standing.
Internal Conflict[edit | edit source]
There was no internal conflict with this group. The story that was once here was just that - a story.
Los Tritones[edit | edit source]
- Foundation: August 2018
- Dissolution: March 2019
- Notable Members: CRAM, Saulcrackwolft, WAAAUU, LordVatu, Roku2846, Metalwebster, Metanol, NeilXP, LasserKatana, September22nd
- Bases: Several
- Peak Members: 32
- Public Discord Server: server got deleted
Los Tritones was an active group on 2b2t and Constantiam, which main language is Spanish. Their principal actions involve PvP-ing at spawn, duping and building bases. Their banner is a blue trident with a black background. They had little relation with the 7th Incursion, as some of Public Discord members joined the Anti-Incursion (MiguelAngelPro).
Some 7th incursion members griefed one of their spawn bases in October 2018 and a battle started between the 7th Incursion and the group.
In March 2019, a conflict between the group and G4MEMODE fucked up the group and it no longer exists, altough the former members still have contact. G4MEMODE fuck the group by infiltrate some players like Setaas and others, doxing one player to quit, and grief a base, thats it, later the group vanish because inactivity after this conflict that G4MEMODE exagerate.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
- UNIDAD: Allies
- D.U.T.: Allies
- Anti-Incursion (before disbanding): Allies
- G4MEMODE: Neutral
- Nethertea: Neutral
- 7th Incursion (before disbanding): Enemies
- Mayoners: Enemy
The Galactic Empire[edit | edit source]
Founder | VillagerFilms |
Existed | August 31st 2019-Present |
Status | Active |
Bases | 1 |
Numbers | 40 |
About[edit | edit source]
The Galactic Empire is a new group of people that came together to make 2b2t a fun, memorable experience. They spend most time at their main base, however they plan on making more bases and having fun spawn events for the group, such as tournaments, concentration camps, building challenges, etc.
It was formed by VillagerFilms, a decently-known player who joined in 2017.
History[edit | edit source]
The Formation
VillagerFilms, ever since he joined, had always wanted to create a group of his own. He joined the Infinity Incursion, as he was apart of the previous "8th incursion" run by jared2013 as well as jared2013's 7th incursion. He was inspired by the fact that there were so many groups he hadn't heard of, and decided to create his own.
Early Times
He started advertising in chat, and quickly people began joining. First member was CambionJudgement, followed by Chris_Cola and his friend, Mcry. The group began to take shape, and VillagerFilms and the group quickly began work on a new base named Gallia. It grew from there. However, Gallia was griefed quickly due to an autist leaking their coordinates. The base was griefed by 5K5K. Fortunately, VillagerFilms managed to heal relations with IIS (the group 5K5K was apart of.) They began a new base, labelled Gallia 1.5. However, due to it being too close to the portal and being close to the highway, that was also griefed pretty quickly. VillagerFilms called the first spawn event to get everyone together again on September 13th. It was successful, most participants enjoyed it. However, due to VillagerFilms' discord account getting deleted, the group fell into decay and ended. For now.
The Revival[edit | edit source]
In November of 2019, VillagerFilms got his account back and started to revive Team Galactic. He setup a base called "Solaria". The timing was perfect, as many bases had just fallen, meaning that many people were looking for a new base - Solaria would work for many homeless Infinity Incursion members. The group is currently working on reviving to it's former numbers, and some of the original members returned as well, although will most likely not be as active. Eventually, Solaria was griefed. Soon after, VillagerFilms gave admin permissions to a player named Ar3s so he could help with the server in VillagerFilms' occasional absence. Ar3s would form Four Corners, the next Team Galactic Base that, so far, is one of the largest ones yet. Four Corners was their farthest base yet, so many had high hopes for it. Those hopes were accurate, as it grew very large, however out of nowhere it was griefed. No one knows who griefed it.
The Great Boom[edit | edit source]
After a few bases, a user by the name of xZEFx joined the group. With money to spend and a commitment to the group, he started to pay many people to advertise the server. Around this time also, the current members got a sudden interest in the group again and became active. As a result of ZEF's payments, Team Galactic had a sudden boom in new people joining the discord server. A large amount of them applied, and the member count of the Team Galactic spiked. Also around this time, the leaders decided to change the theme of the group because the current theme was rather generic. They decided to go with a Star Wars theme, as that fit the "Team Galactic" name. As a result, they renamed to the Galactic Empire and changed the role names to fit the theme, making the leader "Sith Lord", the co-leader "Darth", etc. A few bases went by, while the group kept growing and growing. Also, ties with Infinity Incursion were tightened further due to a Galactic-Infinity joint base.
Bases[edit | edit source]
The first Galactic Empire base was Gallia. It did very well until an autist leaked the coordinates and it was griefed.
The second Galactic Empire base was Gallia 1.5, but that didn't last very long.
The third Galactic Empire base was Solaria, which lasted longer and did better than Gallia 1.5, but it too was eventually griefed.
The fourth Galactic Empire base was Four Corners, their farthest and biggest base ever to this day. It was griefed after a while. The griefers are unknown.
The fifth Galactic Empire base was Galaxia.
Galactic Empire does not have a solely galactic base at the moment.
Spawn Events[edit | edit source]
The Galactic Empire occasionally has spawn events for the members of the group to keep people interested and together. So far, they have had 1 spawn event, which did really well and most participants enjoyed it. Another one is being planned.
Relations[edit | edit source]
Infinity Incursion - Ally
Rising Sun[edit | edit source]
Overview[edit | edit source]
The House of the Rising Sun, or simply just Rising Sun, is a purge-neutral group on 2b2t mostly made up of newfags and middlefags. Their banner is a simple redesign of the Japanese naval flag, with yellow stripes instead of red.
Directives[edit | edit source]
As the majority of the self-proclaimed members of the group have not escaped spawn, there are no stereotypes attached to this group, and they are relatively unheard of among older players. Even the earliest sightings of the group date back only as far back as May 2018. Despite this, their goal has been stated as non-aggressive, and rather to 1) build a 'vast' network of small farms and checkpoints along the z0 highway both in the overworld and in the nether and 2) repair and maintain certain public works infrastructure such as The Southern Canal. Whilst the group is willing to build farms to players who can get far enough (50,000+ Overworld), the members have a respect for the history of the server and will not interfere with any purging.
Bases[edit | edit source]
The central base/seat of government for this group is Copper Ridge, which is under construction in a mesa biome. Their previous main base was abandoned in July of 2019, and its status is unknown. They have two small auxiliary bases, Tunnelbase Alpha in the nether, and Birkenau. Sidenote: Birkenau is presumed griefed as of the Purge.
Members[edit | edit source]
There are believed to be ~12 concurrent members of the Rising Sun, although there is no official discord or other external online gathering. The Rising Sun allows new members with open arms, and there could be many members who are unannounced to leadership. There are only five confirmed members:
- carbomb1998
- redstonestew
- coolkitty858
- OPI3000
Trojan[edit | edit source]
Existed: | 5/22/18-??? |
Status: | Disbanded |
Bases: | 2 |
Numbers: | 11 |
Trojan Condom was a group that attempted to take down other groups who harbor new players, through insiding, shitposting, griefing and whatever they can do in their power to take them down. They work on moderate sized build projects and they are currently working on a base called the Tenth City of Troy, and will soon start a build project named Liberty. They would like to become a condom that can trust each other and share exploits, dupes, etc; with each other without worrying about it getting leaked. They hoped to form a strong bond with each member in the condom.
Membership[edit | edit source]
Trojan is an invite only group as well as the discord. The only way to get in is to be invited by the leader, Jumpinqq or miggers. That is not easy because you need to be on good terms with their allies. You also must know Jumpinqq as that is the only way you can get in. The condom is supposed to be uninsidable, meaning there is a lot of precautions in measure to make sure no one leaks coordinates, and condom secrets.
Ranking Scale:
- Praetor
- Consul
- Legate
- Tribue
- Centurion
- Legionary
Group Relations:
- Vortex Coalition: Friendly
- Emperium: Allied
- Highland: Undecided
- Infrared: Enemies
- Team Rainbow: Enemies
- Imperialists V.2: Neutral
- Last Templar: Neutral
- Peacekeepers: Enemies
Unidad 2[edit | edit source]
Founded | June 13th 2018 - December 1st, 2018 (Claimed by Exodus Member) |
Bases | 3 |
Status | Inactive (Basically Disbanded) |
Notable Members | YotoGamer (leader and founder), Dr (leader), 2b2tRiotPolice/Neogene (member), LegionY (member), retwah (member), UltimateMacaroon (member) |
Numbers | ~5-10 |
Discord | |
Banner | Currently they do not have one |
Unidad 2 is the product of a split in the original Unidad. During the split, founder YotoGamer and Dr.Andrew decided to renovate their group and many members were kicked (the majority of them were inactive and members of Exodus). The roles were recreated and all the channels were pruned after 2Bot deleted everything, as he was given Admin rank for unknown reasons on the Unidad discord.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Team Infrared - Neutral
- Exodus - Enemies
- VoCo - Friendly
- SIG - Friendly
- Highland - Neutral
- Emperium - Neutral/Friendly
- The Asylum - Friendly
- The Soviets - Friendly
Exodus[edit | edit source]
Founded | June 13th, 2018 (Group was rebranded after split with Unidad.) - October 3rd, 2018 |
Bases | ~8 |
Status | Disbanded (Discord an archive for their group) |
Numbers | ~15 |
Around early April, 2018, YotoGamer went inactive. The group begins to get insided, and after a big argument about the groups inactivity, PepperX_ polls for active members and creates a new discord in late May - early June. In early June, 2018, YotoGamer returned and steps down from owner, giving ownership to PepperX_. After which Dr. Andrew causes a fight between YotoGamer and after a long and not so civil discussion, YotoGamer and Dr. Andrew split off from Unidad and remained in the original Unidad Discord. In the discussions afterward, Unidad members voted and decided to change their name to Exodus. Since most of Unidad's active membership stayed with PepperX_, no bases or friends were lost.
- Infrared - Neutral
- VoCo - Friendly
- SIG - Friendly
- Emperium - Alliance
- Member factions of the UGE - Friendly
- The 6th Reich (morph_murph's group) - Alliance
Templars[edit | edit source]
The Templars were a small group from 2016 who built a large Templar designed castle on the server. Their legacy has been lost to time. Despite the similarities in name, they were not related to the Last Templars.
Holy League[edit | edit source]
Visionary[edit | edit source]
Originally known as the Visionary Organization, Visionary was a group founded and lead by the player Sinatra. The group was known to have directly opposed the Emperium, and was wiped out as a result, with its capital destroyed and its discord deleted.
Team Nethertea[edit | edit source]
The 5th Reich[edit | edit source]
The 5th Reich was a group allied to Gambino's Crusade and was an opposing party to the 7th Incursion.
Azeria[edit | edit source]
Existed : December 2017 - January 2018 (Azerian Federation) Februrary 2018 - Present (Azeria)
Status : Hiatus
Leaders: TheHylian13 (founder), Dragonworm (Azeroth), Jensen (Azeroth), HattyTheGreat (Celestial)
Banner: (outdated)
Logo : none as of right now
Azeria is a group built off of the dead Azerian Federation. Founder TheHylian13 picked up the pieces of the Federation and tried to build a better group. Fresh Members, (Initiates if going by Federation lingo) were now Illuminated rather than initiated. Members are simply referred to as Azerian. Above and beyond members were promoted to Hyperion, and the best of the best become Celestials. Azeroth is for leaders only. Azeria has a logo for each rank, but the group itself uses the Azerian design.
--Last Updated 2/8/2018. subject to change
The Church of Cthulu[edit | edit source]
The Church of Cthulu was founded by the youtuber Barrendome.
- They occasionally build ocean themed bases.
- They are a very small group (based on player count).
- Their banner depicts Cthulhu.
- They are trying to grow.
- It is possible that a new leader might arise called KuddlinKittenz. She might be the new head disciple.
Team Inferno[edit | edit source]
Founded | ~Late October 2017 |
Bases | ~5 (Paragon, Inferno HQ, other small bases) |
Status | Disbanded but formed new called Infrared |
Notable Members | Retronautx (current leader), Rustbound (ex-member/leader), IHackedWalmart, Killet, Metrez, AkexAddict, JoSaZa, Frrost_Bite, HackingClient, I_Love_Autism (ex high-ranking member), SmackAttack86 |
Numbers | ~20 |
History[edit | edit source]
Team Inferno was founded by a player named Rustbound in late 2017. Inferno grew slowly, mainly recruiting new 2b2t players. Notable players who were friends of Retronautx (current leader) joined the group as well, including IHackedWalmart, Killet, and Metrez. After a few months, Inferno continued its growth, but a conflict occurred with Rustbound which caused him to leave Inferno and left the group with player Retronautx in control. A player by the name of I_Love_Autism (ex-Inferno member) was responsible for the original Inferno HQ 's destruction. In early December 2017, a cold war between Inferno and their formally allied group, The Church Of Eden, broke out. However, this war was resolved approximately one week later. There were no battles fought. In late December 2017, the Valley of Wheat 2 (a spawnbase of Inferno's) was griefed without warning. Signs were found by one of Inferno's members claiming that VoCo was responsible, but this was proven false. Closely after, a large majority of Inferno bases were griefed due to insiders from Emperium. Retronautx then proceeded to ban ThejumpyBlazeftw and Racewizard, the supposed insiders. This group was later reformed into Infrared.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Team Rainbow - Allied
- The Emperium - Ex-allies, later enemies
- The Church Of Eden - ex-allies
- Highland - ex-allies later enemies
- Spawnmasons - enemies
- Voco - ex-allies later enemies
- UGE - ex-allies later enemies
The Brotherhood of Iron[edit | edit source]
Existed | November 2017 - February 2018 |
Bases | JunkTown, Vault 13 and a few outposts around spawn. |
Status | Disbanded |
Members |
WitBlue (Founder), ByAntoinerGy (Founder), 2b2tandchill/SleepyGhost (Leader), mouhou/hime-sama, Linn, ElTitoOxy, axelcar |
Numbers | ~10 |
The Brotherhood of Iron (or BOI for short) was a small group founded by WitBlue and ByAntoinerGy right after ElRichMC uploaded his video on 2b2t. Their goal was to unite Spanish and English speaking players and focus on build projects together.
History[edit | edit source]
WitBlue met ByAntoinerGy in his first day on 2b, they added each other in Skype and decided to meet in a small outpost around 10k from spawn. They had big dreams for this newly found server so they decided to create their own group and recruit some other spanish speaking players. Out of the two, WitBlue was the only one who could speak English, this lead to him trying to socialize with the community and finding himself at the Penny Dropper, there he found 2b2tandchill and mouhou, who both agreed to join the Brotherhood.
They went from outpost to outpost recruiting spanish players at spawn until they settled around 1mil and started building JunkTown. They needed more recruits but the spanish newfags weren't experienced enough to reach 1mil by themselves, so they also created Vault 13 close to spawn in order to gear them up for their journey to JunkTown.
The group collapsed due to inner conflict, WitBlue stopped playing for a couple of months too and this killed the group for good.
Map Art Mesa[edit | edit source]
Founded | February 3rd, 2018 - Present |
Status | Active |
Members | 3 |
Bases | 1 |
Founders | RussianMinecraft, Jordan666, Emery_ |
This group is small, with only one base this group is still active. This is a mostly closed group meaning there is almost 0 chance we will accept new members.
Team Map Art Mesa very dedicated on making map art if the title of the group does not suggest that.
Security is our top priority.
Team TopKek[edit | edit source]
Existed | As of 2017-Present |
Status | Active |
Bases | 1 in progress |
Numbers | 20-30 |
Team TOPKEK is a team that has existed on 2b2t since sometime in 2017, it was founded by ProxyCake and some of the elite members consist of players such as Camoka1, FaithStyle, dae1250, RMextreme, maanus10, and a few others. Team TopKek hasn't done much on 2b2t yet, but they do have an active discord channel. Recently there have been new members such as FaZe_Keem, AmericanTHOT, KekistanMat, and many more. Some teams have tried to start war with Team TopKek but has failed, Many, MANY, times. There is a BIG future for Team TopKek as long as they recruit new members and try to stay active.
Team Malaria[edit | edit source]
Existed | December, 2016 - February, 2017 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | 3-5 dupe stashes and normal bases |
Numbers | 7 -10 |
Team Malaria was a group whose goal was to be feared at spawn. The group split from Team Imperia
History[edit | edit source]
Team Malaria started when members of Team Imperia, Flyinqq , Sextinq , and Crystalinqq , split off due to arguments with Imperia hierarchy some time in December, 2016. The group moved on to attack anyone at spawn. The group decided to attack VoCo's Gamma Base when they managed to inside the base thanks to the help of CokeQueen360 . Luckily, all valuables were retrieved before the grief. In retaliation, VoCo sent one of their members, Salamander , to pose as an insider and give coordinates to CokeQueen's dupe stash to members of Malaria. Salamander posed the coords as actual VoCo bases and so Team Malaria ended up griefing their own team member's base.
Eventually, stability in the group did not last long as Flyinqq and Crystalinqq had an argument with Sextinq and split off to create Team Coca Cola . Sextinq continued to lead the group until they were insided by RusherIsAutistic and a lot of their items were lost. The group eventually withered away as former members got bored, lost hope, and/or joined other teams and eventually disbanded sometime in February of 2017.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Team Malaria was a democratized group where no action was taken without proper agreement between all the leaders and the highly ranked members.
- Team Malaria was also known as Team Disease, or Team Herpes for various reasons.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Imperia - Imperia are enemies with Team Malaria
- The 4th Reich - The relation with The 4th Reich is undecided.
- The Vortex Coalition - The Vortex Coalition are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Yamerockers - The Yamerockers are neutral with Team Malaria.
- The Peacekeepers - The Peacekeepers are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Team Aurora - Team Aurora are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Team Pepsi - The relation with Team Pepsi is undecided.
- Singularity - Singularity is an enemy with Team Malaria
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- Sextinq (Founder) (Leader)
- Crystanlinqq (Founder) (Defector)
- Flyinq (Founder) (Defector)
- thesheergenius
- Mauiboydmc (Defector)
- uglykids
- CokeQueen360
- RusherIsAutistic (Traitor)
- Ebola__Chan
- __MrGnome__
- L33T
- SmokingSenpai
- jimmy_808
Imperia[edit | edit source]
Existed | September 2016 - December 2016 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | PRAWN, KRAKEN, URCHIN, Area 69 |
Team Imperia is a small rather neutral team that has had roots since early June though has only become more known by its players in October and November 2016. The team's Founder aswell as leader is TheDeathDoctrine, aswell as his fellow friend and leader niftyrobo.
Early Days[edit | edit source]
Team Imperia officially began in October when TheDeathDoctrine's team, The Anarchists, and niftyrobo's team, The Inalegie, merged together to form Imperia.
Not much is currently known about the Anarchists, but the other half, The Inalegie, originally started in September when a Newfag named niftyrobo started a team called The Epists. The Epists started a base in spawn, but was later abandoned to form a base called PRAWN base. niftyrobo met TheDeathDoctrine when he bought a map from him, starting the friendship. The Epists went on to rename themselves The Inalegie, and let in more members like Crystalinqq, DemonCrown, and Nourdica. PRAWN base was griefed by AutismBot in late October when PeterRichards gave him the coords after finding the base by chance.
December Coup[edit | edit source]
The December Coup was a successful break of multiple members after the group involving disputes over a member in the group resulting in members to leave and create Team Malaria. The coup was spearheaded by players Crystalinqq and Flyinqq.
Imperia's Disband[edit | edit source]
Imperia disbanded on December 12, 2016. The reasoning for the sudden disband was due to the December Coup and the heavy loss of members leaving to join other groups. TheDeathDoctrine and Niftyrobo officially met the night of the 12th to discuss the future of the group and chose to discontinue the group.
Recreation[edit | edit source]
Imperia was revived about 2 weeks after it's disbanding but died again.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- The 4th Reich : Imperia is enemies with The 4th Reich for griefing Wrath Outpost and being a bunch of edgelords
- The Vortex Coalition : Imperia is enemies with The Vortex Coalition
- The Blind Eye Clan : Imperia attempted to ally the Blind Eye Clan, but failed due to the team disbanding
- Yamerockers : Imperia is allied with the Yamerockers
- The Peacekeepers : Imperia is allied with The Peacekeepers, but hate their banner
- Team Aurora : Imperia is highly annoyed by Team Aurora for being a bunch of violent faggots
Yamerockers[edit | edit source]
Existed |
October 30th - November 6th, 2016 November 11th, 2016 - December 26th 2016 |
Bases | KekTown |
Status | Disbanded |
Numbers | ~30 |
The Yamerockers, originally MLClan but disbanded and then rebooted as this ##### name, or wamarockers because of shitposts, was a group created by MasicoreLord as a break off group from VoCo and to be with friends. Many people joined the group just for the meme and the group got so shitposted that it died.
Vendetta[edit | edit source]
Existed | November 28th, 2016 - Present |
Status | Merged with Peacekeepers |
Bases | Vendetta Base |
Numbers | ~7 |
Vendetta was a group on 2b2t that was founded by Cerealboxkiller. This group fused with the Peacekeepers.
V Fawkes[edit | edit source]
Existed | June, 2016 - disbanded shortly after the Rusher War |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | 1 |
Numbers | ~5 |
Team V Fawkes was a group founded by lakililo, that formed just as the Rusher War started. The group kept a low profile by avoiding fights and remaining neutral. However, they did conduct small rusher raids and a few suicide bombings at spawn. Their group presented a lot of symbols related to Anonymous, V for Vendetta, and Guy Fawkes. Their motto was "We Seek, locate, annihilate. We are united by one, divided by zero...!". The group only made one base and the members eventually begun to leave and lost contact with each other. Their main channel was owned by cityboss1, who eventually moved on from V Fawkes and founded the Asylum, even using the symbol and banner fron V Fawkes for the Asylum.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Team Rusher - The V Fawkes attacked a few Rusher bases but were never an active participant of the War.
- The group remained neutral with the rest of the groups throughout the war.
Imperialists V.2[edit | edit source]
Numbers somewhere in 20 to 30s counting inactive members about 15 are constantly active building bases and spreading influence
Imperialists are a 2b2t and other anarchy playing team that is pro incursion and pro vetrain and the leader and founder is 2b2tRiotPolice who is a junefag who joined because of rusher and facepunch forums in 2016.
Members: 2b2tRiotPolice MinyTale blakebein brokengriffin trdavis25 jonah_ CobaltDistortion Exect PappyDaddy Hitdox Cloverfrost_ blakebein _Mr_Owl_ woodywooby Alliances: Unidad and the group is in uge
2b2tRiotPolice/JoeSSKing first joined several groups on server called 1b1t and joined 4b4t to make a group called the government which died after a betrayal in the base and a fight with withers which JoeSSKing went on to create a group with about 7 members on a server called no rules but played other servers also but went against a group ruled by racistbot which used the flag of the white banner neutralists the federation got smaller after there main base at the border got destroyed and then they went on and on the Fourth of July the two teams signed a treaty and celebrated America but JoeSSKing insists he ended the war then the federation was renamed the imperialists and now plays multiple servers. Over time JoeSSKing changed his name to JoeSSImperial and became more serious about anarchy and started learning about it well but after his name change to 2b2tRiotPolice it's almost as if it is a different person.
Order of Lucifer[edit | edit source]
Existed | Summer of 2017 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | ~5 |
Numbers | ~15-20 |
The Order of Lucifer was a splinter group of the Peacekeepers after an inside conducted by the Emperium.
Prussian Empire[edit | edit source]
Existed | Sometime in 2017 |
Status | Semi-active |
Bases | ~5 |
Numbers | ~10 |
A splinter group of Highland founded by Scythe8252, LuigiBro74, ItsJaxo, and supeR after they were looked down upon by upper ranking members and their base was griefed by Highland members. The four went off to create the first generation of the Prussian Empire. The group currently has had 2 generations. Also, the group is a bit autistic.
The first generation was active for a few months, building a few castle like builds and later disbanded, with not much done. The second, however had more activety, starting with an apparent inside attempt on the Emperium and Scythes' small castle getting "cucked by ThejumpyBlazeftw" on March 14th, 2018 in retaliation. The group then allied with the Last Templars, which the alliance really isn't serious, and the Guild, which was later crushed by the Emperium, Highland, and the Asylum. They later participated in the 6th Incursion, not being part of the actual Incursion group alliance and eventually went off to join Armorsmith's autistic Armorstate alliance.
Occalan Empire[edit | edit source]
Lifeisgood72's group
Prelude[edit | edit source]
Existed | June 2016 - July 2016, June 2017- August 2017 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | ~5 (16bit base, Prelude base, Kristallnacht Castle) |
Numbers | 1-5 |
Formerly a group started by SonEasterZombie and PapaBlades, the group is disbanded now as every member has quit. It should be noted that SonEasterZombies personal banner is the same as the Prelude Banner.
Team Equinox[edit | edit source]
Existed | Sometime in June as an idea - July 8th (Peacekeeper reform) |
Bases | N/A |
Status | Reformed as Peacekeepers |
Numbers | (Idea) Unknown (Peacekeepers) 54 |
Team Equinox, aka Team Neutrality, was an idea for a team during The Rusher War that was leaderless. It was supposed to be the "neutral" side of the war and its goal was to sabotage and attack both Rushers and Veterans.The only known member was ArcaniumIchor who posted the idea on the 2b2t sub reddit. The team (Or the idea of the team) was eventually reorganized as the Peacekeeper group by PandasauceYT.
The Turtles[edit | edit source]
Existed | Summer of 2016 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | Some newby bases |
Numbers | Unknown |
The Turtles were a group that existed on 2b2t during the beginning of the Rusher War . Their leader was xTurtle, a notorious youtuber who hacks on minecraft servers. He posted a video about 2b2t on June 17, 2016, and created an 11 video series on it. His team was composed of his fans and they supposedly created a few newby bases. Team Veteran completely eradicated the group by slaughtering most of his fans early on during the war. xTurtle also left 2b2t because he died in the End. The group was similar to Team Rusher as the group was completely disorganized.
Team Eternity[edit | edit source]
Existed | |
Status | |
Bases | |
Number |
Team Eternity is a neutral group and was formed by Ultimate21Alex. Their main purpose is to back up groups or help groups during major conflicts. Their major ally is Infrared and neutral with Vortex Coalition.
The idea of Team Eternity began during the Rusher War but it wasn't created until the 6th incursion ended. After this Ultimate21Alex recruited fellow players to join and thus creating Team Eternity.
2K2R[edit | edit source]
Etymology[edit | edit source]
The name 2K2R comes from the frequently used 2*2* form, together with KR, meaning Korea. The name was first suggested by one of the group founders, Lu_Seed.
History[edit | edit source]
2K2R was founded on May 15th, 2019 by Mirdov_M_Kron and Lu_Seed. There has been a small influx of Korean players since the November of 2018, when Kron first found out about the server through Fit. There is currently one active main base, one smaller active base, and 2 abandoned bases. Currently a new base is being built with coords over 1 million away from spawn. The new base is meant to be one of the biggest bases in 2b2t, with huge amounts of terraforming being done at the site.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
2K2R had made its first alliance with VoCo on May 31st, though after some collisions between an Emperium member on the server, the relationship was mostly fragmented. The admins of the group have decided to stay neutral afterwards unless provoked.
Existed | May 15th 2019 - Present |
Status | Active |
Bases | 4 |
Numbers | 12 |
Exodus[edit | edit source]
About[edit | edit source]
Team exodus was created in May 2019 by ImagineWagons and Sago after splitting from Dungannon (now disbanded).
Relationships[edit | edit source]
Emperium - Allied
Team ElRichMC[edit | edit source]
Existed | June 20, 2019 - No2 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | ~1 Toledum |
Members | ~ 35-40
Team ElRichMC is a new and a spanish team, created by Sanfrancisco11 in 20 of June, in 2019. This type of group that Sanfrancisco try to do them many times, for example, he made the spanish community (Dissapear) and Folcado (Active, but died). But he tries to make other team, with the hastang #TeamElRichMC and this name. In the first days, he made spam of his discord server and, in only 4 days, more than 35 spanish players enter to his discord.
Prelives' Followers[edit | edit source]
Prelives Followers is a group of "worshippers" dedicated to fullfilling the goals of their leader, Prelives. The group was created on June 18, 2019 and has gained over 200 discord members in the first month. The idea of the group came to mind, after the founder of the group Lunin, thought it would be funny to create an Armorsmith type group surrounding a shit-poster on the 2b2t subreddit. The group received its first set of core members later that day, consisting of cookiedragon234, iAmKneecaps, Tigermouthbear, Papa_Xanax, and Prelives himself.
PopBob's Nukes[edit | edit source]
PopBob's Nukes previously known as The Gapple Group is a group dedicated to griefing stashes from people who sell items to people who have wronged them.
Members: sonnyismario (xSuperDev) spelare FutureB1 (Departed)
Their discord currently has 10 people in it and is developing a hack client called ChocolateClient.
Stashes Griefed
Carl Phelmans outpost and stash
Some random kids stash Hideout with shulkers
THE CONFEDERACY[edit | edit source]
A group created on March 3rd of 2019, but its orgins go back to December of 2016 when the leader Freedom2b2t created the group freedomfighters which had 3 members in it, The confederacy grew over time during those months to continue helping new people. All high command was saved from spawn and it how the discord got its 120 discord members. At its peak this group had a whopping 20 members. This group saved over 300+ new people from spawn and freedom personally saved 120, this group got into many wars with the groups listed as enemies and lost mnay bases and loot and it was eventually disbanded in mid august due to the leader having much stress in his life.
Relations:[edit | edit source]
Gulag: Enemies
Teutonic Order:Enemies
Team Rainbow:Enemies
Back Street Boys:Enemies
Basically anyone for helping new people we were for.
Goals[edit | edit source]
1.Make the server new people friendly
2. Help new people become integrated into this server
3. Destroy Spawn fags groups
Status:[edit | edit source]
Notable Member:[edit | edit source]
Freedom2b2t: Leader
Captain:Co-leader and first recuited
Hellman:Co-leader, good dude
SeXy Dolph:member
Bases:[edit | edit source]
Stashes: All destoryed
Richmond:unknown status
Discord[edit | edit source]
[1]Discord[edit | edit source]
The Red Kingdom[edit | edit source]
The Red Kingdom is a group created by joeylonglegs. The group's goal is to rise to power and destroy their enemies. The group has about 18 members. The group wishes not to publicly state members as they have very secret ambitions. The group has a very strict application system, and only few can join the group.
What makes the group different is that joeylonglegs pays his players if they complete tasks he assigns. Up to 7 shulkers can be paid to a player if they complete a mission. This is why the group gained many members, even though it isn't even a month old.
The discord was compromised by a former member and completely destroyed. However, The Red Kingdom created a new discord and things went fine.
The group is arch-enemies with CirocDrip and The Teutonic Order. CirocDrip tried to inside the group and destroyed their 2nd discord. He also had a member named Conclusionn_ attempt to inside the group. However, joeylonglegs and his Second In Command exposed Conclusionn_ with photos from CirocDrip. Conclusionn_ was then expelled from The Red Kingdom.
Relationships:[edit | edit source]
New Facepunch Republic: Enemies
Vortex Coalition: Enemies
Teutonic Order: Enemies
The Imperial Empire: Unfriendly
BSB: Friendly
Emperium: Enemies
VoCo: Friendly
Team Blackfyre: Enemies
The Roman Republic: Allies
Bases:[edit | edit source]
Ironhaven(main base)
ROFL Landing
Homebase Sakura(Spawnbase)
Plant Gang Base(end base)
Red Castle
Ranks:[edit | edit source]
Leader: Leads the group, knows everything about the group, ultimately decides decisions.
Second In Command: Gives leadership advice, reviews applications with the leader and has temporary control while the leader is away
Council: Group of members who help make decisions, inside groups and also give the leader advice.
Elite: A trusted member who has proven they care about The Red Kingdom
Noble: A mostly trusted member who has done much for the Red Kingdom. They have surpassed just a normal member.
Member: A semi-trusted member who hasn’t done much in the group. These are usually starters who have only just been accepted and haven’t filled out many missions.
Outsider: Somebody in the discord who hasn’t been accepted into the group.
Roles:[edit | edit source]
Spy: Somebody who insides and is a master of social engineering
Assassin: Skilled PVPer who can track players and eliminate them easily
PVPer: Skilled PVPer who can crystal PvP very well. They usually fight at spawn
Griefer: Player who has helped in griefing enemy bases and other bases. Usually very rich from all the stashes they found and a master of coordinate exploting.
Builder: Skilled builder at a Red Kingdom Base who can lead major build projects and repair the spawnbase
Advisor: Somebody who leads a base and its projects.
Kill On Sight[edit | edit source]
Team V Fawkes[edit | edit source]
Team V Fawkes is a group that formed just as the Rusher War started. However, the group kept a low profile by avoiding fights and remaining neutral and unknown until the end of the Rusher War. Their group portrays a lot of symbols related to Anonymous, V for Vendetta, and Guy Fawkes. Their motto is "We Seek, locate, annihilate.We are united by one, divided by zero...!". They were an anti-Rusher group at first until the group allied with the Peacekeepers. At the end of the rusher war, the team fizzled out and was forgotten. Some of the members in the group then went on to join The Asylum.
The Knights of Millstone[edit | edit source]
The Knights of Millstone group was created on the 8th of April, 2020, by DWW0517, linus (formerly known as PitGuide), and SkillfullyDumb. The group was created after the three founders met up while escaping the spawn of 2b2t. Once travelled out far enough, they created the first base of the group, "The Palace of the Trusted." A couple of weeks passed before Cheddardog32, ManInAClan, and a few other people joined, this calls for the creation of their Discord server, originally named, "The Dark Knights." The growth of The Dark Knights was slow at first with a gradual incline, this remained until DWW0517, the group leader, created a Reddit post on the r/2b2t_Uncensored subreddit advertising the group with the Discord server's invite link. This caused a big boom in the group's population as the Reddit post hinted towards handing out free items to new players. Before the server had the huge growth in popularity, since it was a small group of people, everyone trusted eachother and so there was only one base for the entire group. This base was The Palace of the Trusted, but once lots of people began to join the group, there wasn't enough time to get to know everyone enough to give them the coordinates to the base. This called for another base, one specifically made for members to stay at until they were trusted enough to move to the main base. After a new member base was established, "The Town of Millstone," the official name of the group was changed to "The Knights of Millstone."
Volk'Krov[edit | edit source]
Existed: 17 July 2017 - Present
Status: Active.
Members: 13 to 7
Volk'Krov was a group founded by Krov, a woman that began on the server in 2014, she lived in the outskirts of 2b2t and never returned to spawn as it was camped for some time. On the 7th of July, 2017 she created Volk'Krov, meaning; 'Wolf Blood', living in the outskirts alone until she ran into another player known as "Bronto1", they were both friendly enough to partner up and adventure together, she wrote 3 books of her travels and builds, her books passed on to another user known as Verxon72. Verxon72 was killed with the books in a shulker by a war between two other groups, the books are now lost & Krov has not been seen for two years. Bronto1 changed his name to "KyroThePyro" and is now actively seen on 2b2t.
In the time of Volk'Krov activeness members had three rules.
- Chat is not tolerated, therefore do not speak in public chat.
- Do not kill, unless attacked. Be wary.
- Respect coordinate leaks.
Main Goal[edit | edit source]
Volk'Krov is a group of discovery. Collecting books and getting them signed by each player about their journey. What they have come across, what they have gone through. 50 pages of their 2b2t life.
'The Group of 50P', Volk'Krov.
With books being collected, shulkers and enderchests over flowing, the base called 'Scarif' was created for storing books. Over 560 books from multiple players have been collected. 115 of those books have been lost.
History[edit | edit source]
[2017, November] Krov was rarely to be seen on the server, the chance that Krov and Bronto1 met was very slim. They met, they partnered as all seen above.
[2017, December] 'NF - New Foundation' was built, the main base for Volk'Krov. Which was simply, a simple house made out of dirt.
[2018, January - March] +Verxon72, +Felharth, +Plague822, +Krisperry43, +7 more. Scarif created.
[2018, May] The Veliq base was constructed in the outskirts. A simple outpost for those who want a peaceful experience.
[2018, July] Plague822 in contact with a friend from U.G.E, organizing a raid on a main base involved. Plague822 kicked from Volk'Krov.
[2018, November] Verxon72 killed with Krov's books. The Veliq base destroyed.
[2018, November - December] Krov last seen. Random players to members, there were 13 active members in the years of 2017 to 2018.
[2019] Majority of members left 2b2t for a few months, the decline in members began.
[2020] Two active members remain.
The Holy League[edit | edit source]
Existed | June of 2016 - March of 2017 |
Status | Inactive |
Bases | ~10 (Oasis Town, Constantinople, several others) |
Numbers | ~40 at highest peak |
The Holy League was a group with the intention to create an organized community on 2b. The group centered around Christianity but was not taken to a serious degree. The group started during the early days of the Rusher War, however, never really got involved in the conflict.
History[edit | edit source]
The Holy League was started in June of 2016 by LiO and AndyCapped. Unlike many of the other groups at the time, the League did not participate in the Rusher War and instead kept to itself. While on the highway, LiO and Andy hired their first recruits. Eventually, they settled down and built their first base, Oasis Town. As the War raged on the group slowly accumulated members and built bases. Many of these bases were near the highways, and were later abandoned. The group also griefed two map arts, one made by doctrzombie and the other by AlphaComputer.
Eventually, the group went inactive in March of 2017. The first "conflict" the group had was when LiO insulted Tim_mcnukepants of the 4th Reich, a week later. In retaliation, Tim, along with eenmom, and BibleBot blew up the League's incomplete, spawn community base, Constantinople. This was as far as the conflict went and the group went on to dupe a while before going completely inactive.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- The group had mostly negative relations with other groups but no conflict ever arose other than the incident with the Reich.
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- LiO (Founder)
- AndyCapped (Founder) (First Pope)
- Mavidwaer (Second Pope)
- Aaron
- Pizzaman
Several other members
The Knights of Spawn[edit | edit source]
The Knights of spawn is a small group of players founded by Pharaoh64 (formerly CadetDurina) on 6/1/2017 dedicated to helping players at spawn survive and preserving builds on the server. It was annexed by the The Emperium on about 6/16/2017, joining many of the other groups working in part for The Emperium. While under the control of The Emperium it worked to recruit new players to the group. Around October of 2017, it started losing its momentum as a group and is now considered inactive. Despite this, a few members are still fairly active in The Emperium discord.
Statistics[edit | edit source]
Existed: 6/1/2017
Members: ~20
Status: Inactive
Bases: ~5
Ranks/Members[edit | edit source]
Head Knight (Pharaoh64)
Right Hand Knight (Liltinyten)
Knight (ZeeCraft, Killerboy555, Wildman8, Reddiamond1234)
Emperial (Ericudo, The Dark Emperor, rootbeerguy1212, morph_murph, Luminous Bambi, US_Valient)
Squire (Dur2na, KronosWild)
Page (Iceman7722, SirDerpsAlot, 420 Blaziken XD, )
The Gulag Builders Comittee[edit | edit source]
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Approx. founding date | November 2019 |
Status | Now Disbanded |
Power | |
Number of members | about 7 |
Number of bases | 5 |
Notability | |
Notable members | c0mmie_, Theboss24611, 7931, BachiBachiBach |
The Gulag Builder Committee, (Used to be a discord server for creating a Thanksgiving base) is a side group of the gulag dedicated to building bases, Repairing spawn infrastructure (excluding highways), etc. The group is now disbanded as it was kinda useless and members just used the actual gulag discord for bases.
Ranks[edit | edit source]
- Owner
- Admin
- Builder
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Gulag - Allies
The Fursecutioners[edit | edit source]
Founded | May 2015 |
Status | Active |
Bases | ~5+ (Zootopia, Fürerville, Yiffington, The Land of Wolves) |
Numbers | ~10 |
Leader | DemonElite119 |
The Fursecutioners are an amorphous group created in the wake of the Third Incursion by DemonElite119 . It is not a group in the sense of having a set goal or purposes, only that they are a group of people who enjoy basing together or engaging in bamboozles. The vast majority of its members are oldfags and midfags, such as Drewbookman , _Henry_ , Sun_Wukon , SnackyNorph , Rickenman , IamTUNA , AwesomeGuyMonkey , and others.
As the group is amorphous by nature, it's member count is frequently in flux, based on activities individual members are undertaking at the time, or server events such as incursions of which its members have played significant roles in. It adapts based on any given situation, with only a few individuals known to be core members of the group.
Much like its independence-oriented players, the group as a whole is independent and maintains no actual relations with fagtion groups. Every member maintains and exercises their own agendas as long as it does not adversely interfere with another's. The only time its members come out in force as a unified front outside of their individual or group bases is during spawn incursions.
The Excursion[edit | edit source]
Existed | 2018-2019 |
Base | The Cesspool |
Status | Disbanded |
Numbers | ~50 At Peak |
The Excursion was a group of players who where focused on two main goals:
- The destruction of Lowdown69
- Finding the farlands.
They fought alongside The Church Of John during the Lowdownian Wars. The Excursion lasted from December of 2018 to April of 2019. They where successful in aiding the end of Lowdown69 and his followers during the Lowdownian Wars, but never found the farlands. The Excursion contained around 50 Members at its peak, mostly newfags tired of Lowdown69's Egotistical and God Complex filled chat messages.
Some Notable Members:
Reverend - Creator of The Excursion
Daemon__ - Council Member of the Excursion
Happysnackers - Council Member of The Excursion
RED_MONSTER - Council Member of The Excursion
Moust4che - General of The Excursion
Coopaloop - General of The Excursion
Linuxmaster - General of The Excursion
The Vikings (The Dutch)[edit | edit source]
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This article lacks a lot of information that has been lost to time. If you know anything about the subject of the article that isn't here yet, please add it.
The Vikings, also known as the Dutch, were most likely an old raider group on 2b2t. The group is known from an encounter including xcc2 , x0XP, and the Brotherhood of the Diamond.
History[edit | edit source]
Not much is know about the group (other than they might be dutch) due to time, however what is known is that they once had a confrontation with x0XP and xcc2 at the NFE. The group threatened to attack the base, and the two asked for help from the Brotherhood of the Diamond. During the defense of the base, they managed to kill two iron armored players, however they were not Dutch members. They turned out to be Pyyland members, whom were allies with them and the Dutch stated that they were grinding gunpowder to create TNT to attack the base. After awhile, the group never showed up and so the Brotherhood departed from the base. However, one day xcc2 joined back in seeing that the entire NFE had been blown up by Pyyland. This is the last mention of the Vikings.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Brotherhood of the Diamond - Enemies
- Pyyland - Allied
- NFE members - Enemies
- Facepunch - Most likely hostile
Source[edit | edit source]
Read the signs in Fit's video
Team Sun[edit | edit source]
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This page might contain autism. You may want to avoid it.
"Hausemaster, want to build a base together? Hausemaster. Hause, Hause... Hause..." |
Existed | 2011+ |
Bases | Unknown |
Status | Semi-Active (On Constantiam) |
Numbers | ~7 |
Fairly unknown by most, Team Sun started in another server known as Spartan Empire when ibiq and his co-workers started a server with the purpose to bully Minecraft kids. They had multiple bases throughout the server until it closed and they jumped to 2b2t, announcing their arrival as “Team Sun”. When 2b2t declined in player count before the revival and era of Rushers, they moved to Constantium.
ibiq founded the team on his server, regularly recruited new players for forced labour by pretending to be a girl, but also notable members balonypony and vishusburn, who then helped recruit Jazukai, coconut4 and anonam00se. Some other players who wish to remain unnamed are considered honorary aryans members.
Together they've built, killed and shitposted their way to fame, but the name of Team Sun has faded into obscurity.
In the absence of ibiq from Spartan Empire, Jazukai sought to retain team spirit by claiming the leadership for himself, in order to command more skilled players. This led ibiq to create Team Moon, which nobody cared about. Leadership of Team Sun has since fallen to balonypony.
As of 2016 coconut4 officially defected and is considered a traitor.
Team Malaria[edit | edit source]
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This page might contain autism. You may want to avoid it.
"Hausemaster, want to build a base together? Hausemaster. Hause, Hause... Hause..." |
Existed | December, 2016 - February, 2017 |
Status | Disbanded |
Bases | 3-5 dupe stashes and normal bases |
Numbers | ~7 |
Team Malaria was a group whose goal was to be feared at spawn. The group split from Team Imperia
History[edit | edit source]
Team Malaria started when members of Team Imperia, Flyinqq , Sextinq , and Crystalinqq , split off due to arguments with Imperia hierarchy some time in December, 2016. The group moved on to attack anyone at spawn. The group decided to attack VoCo's Gamma Base when they managed to inside the base thanks to the help of CokeQueen360 . Luckily, all valuables were retrieved before the grief. In retaliation, VoCo sent one of their members, Salamander , to pose as an insider and give coordinates to CokeQueen's dupe stash to members of Malaria. Salamander posed the coords as actual VoCo bases and so Team Malaria ended up griefing their own team member's base.
Eventually, stability in the group did not last long as Flyinqq and Crystalinqq had an argument with Sextinq and split off to create Team Coca Cola . Sextinq continued to lead the group until they were insided by RusherIsAutistic and a lot of their items were lost. The group eventually withered away as former members got bored, lost hope, and/or joined other teams and eventually disbanded sometime in February of 2017.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Team Malaria was a democratized group where no action was taken without proper agreement between all the leaders and the highly ranked members.
- Team Malaria was also known as Team Disease, or Team Herpes for various reasons.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- Imperia - Imperia are enemies with Team Malaria
- The 4th Reich - The relation with The 4th Reich is undecided.
- The Vortex Coalition - The Vortex Coalition are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Yamerockers - The Yamerockers are neutral with Team Malaria.
- The Peacekeepers - The Peacekeepers are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Team Aurora - Team Aurora are enemies with Team Malaria.
- Team Pepsi - The relation with Team Pepsi is undecided.
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- Sextinq (Founder) (Leader)
- Crystanlinqq (Founder) (Defector)
- Flyinq (Founder) (Defector)
- thesheergenius
- Mauiboydmc (Defector)
- uglykids
- CokeQueen360
- RusherIsAutistic (Traitor)
- GlowskiBroski
- irongolem43
- Ebola__Chan
- __MrGnome__
- FlabMuncher
- L33T
- SmokingSenpai
- Pinkstonjb
Team Godmode[edit | edit source]
Team Godmode was created in early April 2019 after the pig godmode exploit was found by player Satisfaction, Satisfaction with the help of Paralusion recruited several players to help pioneering the exploit. One of the members recruited known as Steve3 created a client that allowed easier access to the exploit and added more features such as teleporting small distances. Using the exploit a player known as Robearttt found a new dupe method that was shared with the group, however this dupe has since been patched. The most recent player to join Team Godmode is Rusherfag/Chantele who joined 9th April 2019. The players would regularly go to spawn and troll newfags and spawnfags while in the exploit godmode and vanish by killing them and stealing their shulkers. Godmode went inactive eventually, and one of the founders (Satisfaction) decided to a start up a new team, Point Zenith.
Joining[edit | edit source]
Joining Team Godmode is very difficult, it is invite only and not anyone can join no matter your server rep, even famous player jared2013 contacted Team Godmode hoping to join but his request was declined in a group vote. Many people have also asked to join such as The 12 year old W4RN1NG
Exploit Leaked[edit | edit source]
The exploit was accidentally leaked by player Finstaa when he sold the dupe to someone who used the dupe to find out how the exploit worked and how to do it, however the client used for the exploit is still private
The Client[edit | edit source]
The client was created by player Steve3, the client allowed the exploit to be accessed a lot easier and added other features such as teleporting small distances and client side creative mode. The client is regularly updated and new features are always added and can only be accessed by members of Team Godmode.
Members[edit | edit source]
- Satisfaction
- Paralusion
- Steve3
- Finstaa
- Robeartt
- EatMyMinecraft
- Hausevult
- Rusherfag
The Pylandia[edit | edit source]
The Pyylaandia or simply Pyyland were a old Finnish raider group on 2b2t, existing during the Facepunch times. The group was notorious for its constant raids of the NFE.
History[edit | edit source]
Not much is known about this group due to time, however, what is known is that this group was a powerhouse as they had access to inventories of TNT. This made the group a formidable force to reckon with during those times. At one point, their allied group the Vikings lost two Pyyland members in an encounter with the NFE and Brotherhood of the Diamond in late 2011 and seeked revenge for their fallen. Pyyland dropped their griefs over a span of months in 2012, and in early 2013. After several attacks on the NFE, xcc2 and policemike55 decided to investigate how they were getting this much TNT. In the spring of 2013, Xcc2 and policemike55 eventually found out how they were creating the TNT, which turned out to be a gunpowder grinder in which the group would constantly be AFK at. The two eventually killed all the AFK members and blew up their grinder. This was the last mention of the Pyylaandia since.
Relations[edit | edit source]
- The Vikings - Allied
- Brotherhood of the Diamond - Enemy
- NFE members - Enemies
- Facepunch - Most likely hostile
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- Arthur_McGuire (Leader)
- Fenster
- Poersijn
- Vaquera
Sources[edit | edit source]
Paranormal[edit | edit source]
Existed | ~November, 2016 - Early 2018 |
Status | Inactive |
Bases | ~5 |
Numbers | 12 |
Paranormal was a PVP group founded by ImmortalYogurt and RobMaster21, with several bases and few members, with their main base being Celestia. The ranking system wens as follows: (leader, member, trusted member, and recruit). They were operated in conjunction with the Peacekeepers, although they separated themselves from the Peacekeepers as a result of drama stemming from being insided.
Relations[edit | edit source]
Peacekeepers - Satellite
Singularity - Allied
The Emperium - Neutral
The Spawn Masons - Enemies
The Vortex Coalition - Neutral
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
- ImmortalYogurt (Leader)
- RobMaster (Leader)
- HeyItzAze
- IHackedWalmart
- Tavux
- Coleb100
- AlphaCentauri
- Chrissi
- Diagoporotin
- Beschadigt
- Kohiii
- Dark_Annihilator
- SelfFish
- DjSquishy3241
- iKillPing
- UpriseGamingYT
- Zltb
The Opposition[edit | edit source]
The Opposition is a highway repair group allied with The Emperium. They claim to have a very strict application system. It was founded by Meat_Canyon in May of 2020, after he decided to help fix the disrepair of the highways. The group experienced a near death in late May, when the group discord was hijacked and vandalized, among other breaches.
History[edit | edit source]
The group was founded on May 11th by Meat_Canyon as a highway repair group. He, along with some affiliates, quickly went to work in growing the group, even allowing almost everyone who wanted to join in. This eventually stabilized. On May 15th, the group decided to release a virtual currency known as ToCoin, which is backed by 2b2t items.[1] This currency is a knock-off of VoCoin, an earlier currency released by the Vortex Coalition. In late May, Meat_Canyon's account(s) where hacked, including his Minecraft and Miraheze accounts. Their discord was also vandalized on May 28th, 2020. The wiki article for the group was then removed for a short while, following all the vandalism and the (hacked) owner of the group telling wiki admins that the group had disbanded.
External Links[edit | edit source]
Twitter (yes, really)
References[edit | edit source]
Kingsman[edit | edit source]
The Kingsman, founded by Breadl, is a group with 2 different divisions within it which are to fit every players' play-style. There is a set director to run each division. The group is currently presumed to be inactive, and the former discord link on this page is now dead, which either means it expired or the group's discord is obsolete.
Divisions[edit | edit source]
- Spawn Division- The Spawn division did not have a solid core purpose, as one meaningful enough to stand was not been put in place. But what they did at spawn is make spawn-bases fill them with builds, loot, and members, of course, then they would purge dupe stashes all around the spawn area and bring the material's back to one of our spawn bases. With that we go to spawn, they were mostly neutral until provoked and hang-out and work on small side-projects.
- Base Division- The base division is more simply put, the builder group, when someone wants to join this straight away they will have to fit the criteria and be an above-average builder. The bases are abstract for now but in the future will most likely have a solid theme.
Influential Kingsmen[edit | edit source]
- Breadl
- LethalSquirrel