

This article is for the official 2b2t subreddit. The page for all 2b2t-related subreddits is linked here.

The 2b2t Subreddit is a subreddit on reddit where people who play on 2b2t (or at least know of it's existence) can submit 2b2t related content, memes, shitposts, and drama relating to 2b2t are here. The 2builders2tools admin is speculated to be owned by Curtis.

According to the queue, the subreddit itself is one of the three official contacts of 2b2t (all owned by Hause with the reddit being the only discrepancy). The other two being 2b2t.org (which has been down for atleast 4 years) and 2b2t.org@gmail.com which is the server's email.

What a nice place

The 2b2t subreddit admins are known to delete any post criticizing, questioning Fit as well as banning users for posting them or something they don't like (For example if you put the brownman logo on a post it will get removed or for some reason if you put u/sato-of-2b2t it will get removed). This raises questions about admin abuse on the subreddit as well as confirming the theory that Fit is being used to bring more money to the server owners. This led to the creation of other subreddits (Like r/2b2t_uncensored)

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