

Toska's skin
JoinedEarly 2020
BasesNo Name Base, ShroomTown, Island Cottage, SpawnFuer 13, Stalin's Gulag, USSIE, Valletta, Doriath, The Toilet Bowl, Imperitopia, Odessus, Aqueous I-VI, Mew Recruit Base, Phaedra, Recruit Base 70, Imperatoria 23, Novus I-IX, Vanguard, SpawnFuer 20, SpawnFuer 21/Don Aken, Don Luden, SpawnFuer 22, Katadalanfrantaranfueristan, CakeFuer, Sanctuarium, Verum, The Cauldron, Amenta, Senectus, Hollowport, Oppidum, Tamara, DonFuer 25, Holiday Special Halloween Base 2022, Holiday Special Christmas Base 2022, The Opus, Princeps, Aurora, Femburg, Araxa, Alphatown, Alphatown 2, Alphatown 3, Joptown, Inception
GriefsCrum Lodge (Jschlatt base), Larptown
TypeGroup Leader, Builder, Base Hunter
Alternative AccountsAonarachd, Aonasus, Toska2, Toska4, Toska2b2t, FreedomScotland
CurrentThe Collective, DonFuer, Highway Workers Union
PastThe Noble Covenant, Mew Revolution, Imperials

Toska is a builder known for leading The Collective, and formerly the Imperials 2b2t branch.

History[edit | edit source]

Early history[edit | edit source]

Toska joined 2b2t for the first time in April 2020 after watching videos about the server by Fit and Salc1. After logging in for the first time, Toska made it out of the Spawn area and began exploring the outer spawn regions, finding a small dungeon stash and continuing to explore spawn and base hunt. Growing bored and not understanding there was more to 2b2t, Toska left for nearly a year.

Return to the server[edit | edit source]

Toska returned in 2021 and spent his time traveling and base/stash hunting. While traveling, he established 'No Name Base' about 500k from spawn, to which he invited various people that he met on the nether highway, in spawn, and through in-game chat. No Name Base peaked at 11 members and lasted 3 weeks before being griefed by a base hunter. Toska spet the summer of 2021 playing solo, durring which time he established and built ShroomTown and the Island Cottage. Toska subsequently joined the Gapples For Poor Foundation. The GFPF was lead by Kuzinnik0 and its purpose was to hand out golden apples to new players around the spawn region and on the highways. There were only about 3—4 members of their server at the time, one of them being ACABMichael. Comically, GFPF didn't have any golden apples to give out, so shortly after its creation it was disbanded due to inactivity and inability to serve its main purpose.

Imperials[edit | edit source]

ACABMichael invited Toska to the 2b2t branch of the multi-server group The Imperials before the GFPF was disbanded. The two worked closely together and rose in the group's ranks until eventually they were co-leading the 2b2t branch. While still getting established in the group, Toska took part in Project Imperial Sky during October and November 2021, during which he placed ~310,000 blocks of the total 1.2 million obsidian structure.

After Project Imperial Sky, Toska became a base manager and established the base Subaqueous, which was renamed to Aqueous just before being griefed. Aqueous II was established shortly after, with the Aqueous series of bases continued until February of the next year ending finally before ending with Aqueous VI. Toska and ACABMichael were appointed as co-Centurions of the 2b2t branch after long-term activity in the group and the removal of the previous Centurian of the group. Under Toska and ACAB's co-leadership the branch grew to nearly 200 members. Also under their direction, the group held a series of spawn events called 'spawn raids', in which Imperials members congregated at spawn and placed Imperial 'Y' statues, placed Imperials maparts, repaired portal traps, cleaned nether 0,0 and PvP'd with non-Imperials members. Throughout late 2021 and early 2022, Toska built at Imperatoria 23, which served as the unofficial main base of the group.

Crum Lodge Grief[edit | edit source]

Toska, Lukent and Ace at Crum Lodge

In early 2022, SpiritAce and Slxsh found Crum Lodge, JSchlatt's base.[1] After holding the coordinates for multiple months and receiving no word from JSchlatt after tweeting at him, SpiritAce decided the base should be griefed. Toska and Lukent were invited to grief with SpiritAce on the 16th of March 2022.

Imperial Schism[edit | edit source]

Through the beginning and early months of 2022, a conflict involving Imperial members being doxxed, set up, and threatened with swatting among other things, came to a head. This conflict, paired with constant infighting (coming as a result of such things as the Larptown grief and subsequent Terracota War) and huge tensions between Imperial multi-branch leadership and Imperial 2b2t branch leadership, caused a majority of the branch, under Toska's leadership, to leave Imperials and create a new group, which they called The Collective. This mass resignation took place in the early hours of the 23rd of February 2022, and resulted in Imperials' activity declining significantly.

The Collective[edit | edit source]

In the early months of The Collective, future projects planned by Toska under the name of Imperials would be repurposed to fit the new group. They also temporarily cooperated with Astral Brotherhood. As time went on though, no projects were completed or even launched, as many members were burned out from the schism drama and ensuing tension with Imperials. The group was envisioned to remain as the tight-knit friend group that banded together while in Imperials. This meant there was no recruitment drive, poor application process, and a dwindling core member-base. After many months of this, along with many members outright leaving the group, Toska decided to revamp The Collective in Autumn of 2022 and within 6 months the group had grown to 150 members and finally had a strong core of dedicated leaders in charge of it.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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