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The following is a list of famous players across 2b2t. If there are any famous players without a page, please feel free to add.
2010-2012[edit | edit source]
- Hausemaster - Hausemaster is the owner of 2b2t. Due to the server's nature as an anarchy server, he rarely gets online and leaves the server on its own. Some memes and conspiracies make people believe that Hausemaster is not the owner of the server. This is due to the fact that there is almost no actual confirmed information about him, anyone who would use his Minecraft account and has access to the server files would be indistinguishable from Hausemaster himself.
- Offtopia - Was one of the high-ranking members of Judge's group.
- popbob - One of the most famous griefers in 2b2t history, for his use of the Thunder Hack.
- Parthicus - Is known for being one of the oldest still "active" players on 2b2t.
- TheJudgeHolden - TheJudgeHolden is famous for his 2b2t comic that told his experiences while he was on the server.
- Jaang - The builder of [[The Valley of Wheat}the Valley of Wheat]], one of the largest public farms on the server ever made.
- xarviar - Well known spammer who managed to stay relevant by latching himself to actually relevant players and bases.
- xcc2 - Member of Passie Town and the gatekeeper of NFE, the "first" sanctuary.
- chezhead - Creator of the Facepunch Republic.
- Kinorana - Known for being a merchant on 2b2t and for causing the Map Crisis of 2017, previously known as the blacksmith of 2b2t during Valkyria era. Quit after removal of Veteran queue.
- Jacktherippa - Known for creating Space Valkyria, 2b2t's greatest end base.
- ITristan - Helped code for Hausemaster, several of his plugins were backdoored.
- fr1kin - Programmer, developer of forgehax, pioneer of several exploits (including The Apocalypse Exploit, member of several significant bases, prominent shitposter.
2013-2015[edit | edit source]
- jared2013 - Notorious Griefer and autist. It is common for this player to use alternate accounts on many platforms.
- Sato86 - One of the founding members of Valkyria, proclaimed "legendary" by several newfags. He is the creator of one of the 2b2t timelines.
- Fit - Also known as FitMC or silentpedro. A YouTuber, member of notable bases and the leader of Team Veteran during the Rusher War. He is also widely viewed as a massive jew due to his Youtube fame. Former member of Valkyria.
- James Rustles - One of the most well-known 2b2t historians. He has a blog . Owner of Constantiam
- Coltsnid - a mid-fag who joined in 2014. he is known for founding The Vortex Coalition in 2015, along with AmericanOreo.
- Torogadude - A former 2b2t Youtuber who fought during the Rusher War. Also a member of the 4th Reich. Has stopped making 2b2t related content.
- Babbaj - Programmer, developer of forgehax, pioneer of End Crystal Bombing.
- 0x22 - Creator of the Future Client .
- Oremonger - Known for his greifing of bases with obscene images. Caused massive red-stone lag in 2013-2015.
- Byrnsy - 2013 player best known for starting the Nether Highway Group
2016-2017[edit | edit source]
- LandonMC - Landon is a Minecraft Youtuber with 500,000 subscribers who was hacked by "the Fourth Incursion",. This led to TheCampingRusher stripping off Toro's veteran queue . His account is currently bed-trapped.
- TheCampingRusher - Jewtuber that started it all.
- NedaT - Former 2b2t Streamer. Leader of Team Aurora
- CorruptedUnicorn - Leader of The Resistance.
- BarrenDome - One of the more known 2b2t youtubers.
- HermeticLock - Founder of the Spawn Masons and the Guardsmen.
- Slappnbadkids - Owner of AutismBot, founder of Block Game Mecca, and notorious griefer.
2018 - 2020[edit | edit source]
- AntVenom - Joined the server in early 2018 and made his now infamous "The Face of Minecraft Anarchy video", which caused the 6th incursion.
- FuzeIII - French Youtuber with almost a million subscribers. Cause of the 7th incursion.
- Etika - American YouTuber from Brooklyn, New York and Leader of the 9 Gang. Etika's 2B2T experience was streamed on E Live, until his disappearance and death in June 2019 (1 year ago)